Chapter 14: Pieces

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Songs for the chapter:

Summerlove-One Direction

Right Now-One Direction

Something Great-One Direction

Here We Go Again-Demi Lovato

Ed's pov

Did Harry just say he loves Brooke?, Why am I getting so angry? Why am I jealous? I agreed to be in the game was a good idea at the moment. But This not supposed to be happening. So Why am I so upset?, I can't be fallling in love with Brooke?

"I want to go home," cried Brooke as she look at me. I hate to see her look like this.

"Okay," I said to her and grabbed her purse and keys as We drove to her place. I saw Alice running out of her apartment holding little Darcy in her arm.

"I saw everything," She came running toward us.

"Woo wooo wooo" said sweet Darcy looking at her mother.

"Yes, My Beautiful Darcy,Mommy is fine," She sniffed as Alice hand Darcy over to her Mom. I gave Brooke her purse.

"Your car keys is in your purse, I also locked the car door for you," I said to her.

"Thanks," She sadly smiled at me.

"I will like to be alone, tonight," Brooke looked at Alice.

"Okay, I'm coming," Alice shouted running behind Brooke.

"I meant alone with Darcy," She said to Alice.

"Oh Okay," Alice said in a hurt voice and kissed little Darcy goodbye.

Brooke walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you for being there for me but this game is over," She smiled at me.

"Brooke Please," i begged her.

I watched as She walked away and was about to go inside her apartment.

"Brooke, I Love you, I always been in love with you even When you was with Harry," I screamed as Tears escaped my cheeks. I just saw Brooke smiled and went inside with her daughter. Alice look at me and say nothing.

"Im sorry Ed. You re a wonderful man and you deserve someone just as good as you and who loves you abundantly. Like how I love Harry. I will always love him even if I have him or not. I have Darcy so hear his only piece of him I have left now. Thats enough for me" She said and I nodded leaving with Alice out of the appartment.

Harry's Pov

I was waiting at the hostipal in the waiting room for Alina, Hoping she is okay. When I saw the boys came in with flowers and ballons.

"Dude, I saw What Happen to Alina," said Liam.

"Brooke kicked Alina ass," said Niall. Louis hit Niall in the stomach,

"Ow, What's that for," He looked at Louis.

"Have some respect, even though Alina got her ass whop, by Brooke she's always ended up going to the hospital , said Zayn sitting next to me.

I started to think, really hard about everything that have happen.

We had been together for two years ago, I dated this most beautiful woman, She was the love of my life and still is her name is Brooke Evans. A year later, She had ended up breaking up with me for no reason at all.

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