Chapter 23: Just Us Three

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Songs for the chapter:

I Love You-Avril Lavigne

Never Say Never-The Fray

Chasing Cars-One Direction X Factor

"The Doctor's say, you'll be able to go home with Edward," My Mom say to me.

"Oh God," I cried thinking about Harry.

"It's going to be okay, you can love with us until Harry awakes," My Father looked at me.

"What if he doesn't awake, Dad. What I'm going to do. I'm 20 years old and a single Mom," I cried.

"Oh Honey, He will wake up, don't you worried," My Father hugged me. I looked around to not see Darcy anywhere,

"Where is Darcy?," I started to panicked.

"She is at our house with Alice," My Mother smiled.

"Okay," I calmed down a little.

"Mrs.Styles, Are you ready to go," The nurse came in with Edward in her hand. He was wrapped in a blanket.

"Yes, I'm," I smiled as I was seated in a wheelchair, As The Nurse gave me my baby boy. Harry parent's ,Anne and Des walked in the room with the guys.

"Hey Brooke," They smiled at me.

"Hi, you guys," I smiled back. I looked at Edward, He looks just like his daddy, Tears fallen down my face.

"What's wrong," They all say to me.

"Edward's, look likes his daddy," I cried as I looked up at them.

"Aww," They all say to me.

"Brooke, If you need anything, feel free to call us," Harry's Mom say to me.

"Okay I will, thank you," I smiled. My Father pushed me in the wheel chair.

"Daddy, I have to see Harry Before We leave," I say to my father.

"Okay,Honey," My Father took me to see Harry.

Tears fall down my cheeks, As I looked at him and holding Edward,

"I will see you soon My love, my life and my bestfriends," I smiled and let my father walked out of the hostipal with me. They were surrounded with paps.

"Brooke,Brooke," The reporter in the red shirt say to me.

"Yes," I looked up to realized, I had tears in my eyes.

"What is your Baby boy name?," She asked me.

"Edward Harry Styles," My Mother grabbed my baby and put him in the carseat, As My Father help me in the car.

When We got to my parent's house, they're alot of cars parked in the parking lot.

"What is all these cars doing there?," I asked my father as I got out of the car and carried Edward. He didn't say anything.

Alice's pov

We can hear Brooke talking,

"Everybody gets in their hiding place," I say to them. I was holding my 11 months old baby boy in my arm. He was smiling. They had walked in the house,

"Why are the lights off," Brooke turned on the lights.

Everybody's jumps out saying welcome home.

"Aw, thank you, guys," Brooke had tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and hugged her. Darcy came running to us.

"Mommy, He look likes Daddy," Darcy smiled and kissed her baby brother in the cheek. Everybody was saying awe. The Party started everybody was talking and having a good time, it started to get dark.

"I will see you later," I hugged her and kissed Little edward on the cheeks.

"Okay," She smiled as Me and Ed and little Eddie walked out and got into the car.

Brooke's pov

I took both my kids, I bath and put on there clothes with my mother help.

"Thank you Mom, for everything," I say to her smiling at my beautiful childrens.

"You welcome, Baby girl," We had went to the guest room, that my parent's had us sleeping in. I had laid Darcy next to the pillow next by me and Edward in the crib as I kissed them both in the lips.

"I love you two soo much, I'm always going to make you happy and proctect you guys. It's just us three now," I smiled as I got under the covers and cuddled with Darcy.

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