Author's Note

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Sorry if you thought another update, it's ny mommy s bday, I'm planning a big surprise for her!!!
Ok just letting you from next chapter there's a new character, I'm not telling you what she is yet just showing a picture on the side.
I ll introduce her too:

Name: Alina Marie Porter

Age: 19

Likes: Pizza, Music, Animals, Parties, Dancing, Her Iphone, Clothes

Dislikes: Smoking, Slutty and Rude people, Bullies,

Personality: Silly, Funny, Crazy, Loving, Out-Gong, Takes Risks a lot, people mistake her for someone who is a goody two shoes and afraid to stand up for herself but she really can scare people when she is angry

Next chapter, drama coming up!

Shoutout to @Lina_and_Toni

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