Chapter 19: I'm Coming For You

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Songs for the chapter:

Better Than Revenge -Taylor Swift


Alina's Pov

"Where will you guys go," I smiled at them.

"We're going to Miami," Harry smiled and kissed Brooke.

"Okay, I will also be your guys private bodyguard," I looked at the road.

"Okay thank you," Brooke started kissing her husband. My plan is going just as I want. I drove them to the airport and followed behind them as We got into the plane heading to Miami.

When We got there , the couples had rent out a Condo near Miami Beach.

"Omg,this is beautiful," Brooke smiles and turned to kissed her Harry;s her husband.

"Anything,for my wife," He lifts her up bridal style. I feel jeaously running through my body.

"Harry, Do she really have to be there, I mean everywhere?" Brooke looked at me. He put her down

"I'm going to changes" Brooke walked away leaving me and Harry alone.

"I didn't introduce myself, I'm Ashley," I smiled at him.

"Oh okay, I will see you in the morning, you can sleep in the other room, you are free to anything," Harry say to me.

"Okay,thanks," I smiles As he walked away and into the room.

Hours have passed...

I got out of the shower to hear them making love, I lean against the door and to hear Harry moan. I felt hurt and angry hearing them. That should have been me with him! He used me to get back with her and now I was just...trash?

"Honey, I'm going to get some icecream, Do you want some," He asked her.

"No, I only want you," She giggled.

"I will be back," he say to her. I walked slowly to my room, When He open the door.

"Oh hi, Ashley," I turned and looked at him.

"Hi, Sorry, I just got out of the shower," I smiled.

"That's good, I'm going to get some ice cream from downstairs," he say to me.

"No, Don't go, I meant to say, I will come with you," I say to him.

"Let me just get dressed," I took off my towel, I can see him looked at me as I walked in my room.

Brooke's Pov

I got off of bed, quiety and tiptoe out of the room to see Harry standing there. I went behind him and hugged him,

"Aww,Baby I love you too," He turns around and hugged me.

"Are you ready," I looked up to see Our bodyguard dressed in a short shirt and a revealing shirt,showing her boobs with long blonde hair and high heels on.

"What the hell you think, you're wearing?," I say angry at her.

"Baby, calm down, I told her to wear this outfit to blend in," Harry say to me.

"Omg, You've slept with her," tears flooded down my face.

"I will go change," She say to us. You Better Bitch.

"What are you crazy, I will never do that to you, I love you too much," He kissed me on the lips. I jumped on him, we ended up having sex right there on the floor.

"Omg Yes, Go deeper," I moan.

Alina's Pov

When I had changed my clothes, I walked into the living room to find them having sex and then Harry took her back to the room.

"Damn her, that fucking bitch," I shout as I slammed the door. I ripped off the wig, and wipe off the make up off, Tears streamed down my face. I grabbed benzodiazepines is a sleeping pill I looked at the clock it's was 10:30 pm at night, I went in the kitchen and pour it into their orange juice. I walked in there room to see the couples asleep. I stared at them for a moment and watched them for hours as they sleep.

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