L'amour et les papillons

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((WARNING, WARNING!!! A cute and fluffy FrUk is just ahead!!))

*France's POV*

  Francis Bonnefoy opened his gorgeous blue eyes to see a sleeping lump on the other side of the bed. He smiled and chuckled slightly, sitting up. England was on the right side of the bed, snoring gently. France gave a sigh, quickly kissed his boyfriend on the forehead, and bounded out of bed and into the kitchen.

  Eggs, flour, coffee grounds, milk, sugar, and all kinds of spices and ingredients were thrown onto the counter as the Frenchman got to work. He put the coffee grounds into the grinder, and they began to grind up into a fine powder. Water began boiling, stoves were lit, and batter began getting mixed. France whisked fiercely, his golden locks falling in front of his face which was scrunched up in concentration.

  Something whistled on the stove, and France smirked, flinging the mixing bowl beside him (where it landed smoothly). He took a kettle of tea off of it, knowing that England would harp about how "only he was allowed to make the tea", but France knew how much he loved it. Soon enough, crepes were beginning to sizzle on the stove, bread was baking in the oven, and coffee was steaming in a mocha pot. France stirred milk in a pot on the stove (good thing there were a lot of burners!)

  About an hour later, at 7:30, breakfast was ready. France carried a large tray into the bedroom. On top of it were fruit and cream crepes, cinnamon coffee with a milk swirl, mint tea, nicely toasted bread, and fruit. When the Frenchman entered the room, sunlight was streaming through the slightly open curtains in front of the window. England was curled up on the bed, awake but drowsy. France set the tray down on the bed, running a hand along the brit's side. "Bonjour, ma chère Angleterre," France murmured, leaning down to kiss England on he cheek.

England huffed as he rolled over. "Good morning, you frog." France felt warmth fill his heart, and he batted his eyelashes as he grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down on the bed. England yawned loudly and sat up, blearily grabbing his tea. "Tastes way too French-y," he grumbled after taking a sip. He then proceeded to take another. France turned his head to stare at England, sighing deeply. The brit's hair was ruffled and messy, and his eyes were a bit glazed over with sleep. The sun hit him in just the right angle, lighting up all his features. His shirt was a bit baggy on him, and it bunched up at the sleeves as he shoved a forkful or crepe into his mouth.

France loved the grumpy nation more than anything, and that couldn't be denied. England turned to stare at France curiously. "What's with the lovey dovey look, idiot?" France gave a small smile. "Only Angleterre," he thought. "Only he can still give me butterflies in my stomach; with every look, every word, every touch.."

"Je t'aime chére," he said softly. England snorted. "I love you too, git. But still, that doesn't explain that dumb lovey look on your face." France chuckled. "I just love... You! You look so stunning, and you just....", France trailed off as he was overcome with emotions. England stared at him in surprise before leaning in and giving him a light kiss. "Lord, Francis. You get so worked up about things sometimes! But... I love that about you." France suddenly gave England a passionate kiss, before pulling away and taking a sip of coffee. "Idiot," England whispered, with a small smile on his face.

France grabbed a piece of bread, buttering it. "So, mon chére, today I decided we'll go to an art museum, and after that, we can get some lunch at the new place in town, and maybe we can go to the beach..."

*England's POV*

England snickered as France rambled on, it was just like him to make plans for the whole day. He glanced over at France, and felt a blush rising to his cheeks as sunlight gleamed off of his long, luscious, blonde hair. He took a sip of his tea to distract himself, and although he'd never admit it - butterflies fluttered in his stomach.

~The End~

((Ok so that was a bit short but cute! 😊Don't forget to vote, comment, and leave suggestions!))

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