La plage et de l'amour

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((A/N Another FrUk OTP thingy! This one is "They go to the beach and one gets sunburned really badly." Enjoy!!))

*France's POV*

  "I can't believe you convinced me to do this," France's boyfriend, England, muttered under his breath, arms crossed. France chuckled as he sat down on the chair he had brought along with him. "What? Zhe beach is relaxing. It's not too crowded here, it's not too empty, zhe day is nice, so is zhe water-" "Oh, shut up, frog. I get it. It is a beautiful day," England snarled.

France smiled as he pulled out a book. "I still can't believe I convinced you to get in zhat swimming suit!" England snorted. "Me either. First you make me go to the beach, then you make me dress half nude. It's not like I'm that impressive looking either. I'm pale and skinny as a dying dog, at least you look-" France cut him off by standing up and putting a finger to the brit's lips. "Hush, mon chére. I zhink zhat you are incredibly handsome." He pecked him on the lips and sat back down, satisfied with himself.

England's cheeks were turning a slight shade of pink. "Idiot," he muttered, blushing more. France simply laughed. "Well, since you dragged me to this bloody place, I might as well go swimming," he huffed eventually, glaring at the Frenchman. France raised an eyebrow. "If you keep on complaining like zhat, I'll have to bring you to a nude beach instead." That only caused England's face to turn a brighter red. "Don't you dare," he growled before whirling around to go into the water. France smirked and continued to read his book (a romantic tragedy!)

*30 minutes later*

  France closed the book, knowing that if he didn't stop reading now, he'd burst into tears. He sniffled slightly and put the book in the bag beside him, then stood up, stretching. A group of woman walked by, and France couldn't help but to stare - hey, he could look at the candy, he just couldn't eat it. He sighed as they giggled, looking at his exposed chest. "Zhe only downside of having a boyfriend," he thought, waving at the women.

  He strolled over to the water and waded into it, instantly feeling 30x more relaxed. He closed his eyes, letting out a long breath. Ah, the soft sand beneath his feet, the water gently rocking him... Nothing was better!... Except for sex, obviously.

  "Git, why are you standing there like that?", he heard in front of him. He opened an eye, and smiled as he saw England standing a few feet away, looking awkward. "You have that look on your face like you just got attacked by thousands of hot, naked men and woman." France snickered. "Well, I told you - I love zhe beach." England crossed his arms and grumbled under his breath.

  "Hey, Angleterre?", France asked innocently. England glared at his boyfriend. "What?" France smirked and held up his hands. "Tickle monster," he whispered. England backed away. "Oh no you don't! It's bad enough when you do this at home!" France lunged towards England, who was already floundering away. "Stay away!!", England yelled. France grabbed him and began mercilessly tickling at his sides, which England didn't exactly seem to enjoy. He kicked, struggled, yelled, and attempted desperately to hold back laughter. Eventually, France stopped, laughing so hard that he was nearly out of breath.

  England stood there, blushing once again. "Not funny," he muttered, slapping France on the shoulder. France snorted. "It was hilarious, Angleterre. You should've seen your face!" England mumbled something that would probably be rated R, and simply swam away.

  Shoulders still shaking with laughter, France swam the opposite way. He wasn't dumb enough to follow England, who was probably already planning some payback.

*two hours later*

Several pranks and tickle wars later, France was covered in sand and was missing the swimming trunks he had worn there (thankfully he had brought an extra pair, but not like he would've minded being naked); England had accidentally swallowed a small fish, and he was completely sunburned, over nearly his whole body.

France snickered. "Well, zhat was fun." England grunted. "I can still taste that bloody fish," he snarled. France put an arm around his boyfriend, and England responded with an, "Ouch!" France frowned. "What's wrong?" England shoved France off. "That hurt." France gazed at his boyfriend. "Oh, mon chére, you're sunburned all over!", he cried, concerned.

  England blushed (even though nobody could tell, from how sunburned his face was), embarrassed by the concern that Francis was showing him. "You always get like this, you frog," he muttered, crossing his arms and looking away. France sighed. "Because I care about you, chére." England blushed even more, and this time, it was actually slightly noticeable.

The two of them got into the car, with France in the driver's seat. "We will fix you all up at the house," France smiled as he backed out of the parking spot. England simply grunted.

  Once they got home, France raced into the kitchen and grabbed something out of the fridge. "What are you going to do, put milk on my face?", England grumbled. Francis laughed and held up a bottle of aloe gel. "Non! It is just aloe gel, nice and cold! But first, you need to shower - in cold water." England huffed. "Fine, but I'm showering alone today." He stomped off, leaving France giggling in the kitchen.

A while later, England walked in wearing boxers, his hair soaking wet. "I'm here, now give me the bloody aloe." France smirked. "No way, mon ami. I'll put it on for you; zhere's no way you'd be able to reach every spot you're sunburned." England hung his head in defeat and sat down on a kitchen chair, grumpily slouching over. France squirted some of the cold gel into his hand, and began gently rubbing it onto the brit's back. "Hey! That's cold!!", he exclaimed, flinching and arching his back at France's touch.

  France laughed slightly. "I know, chére, but it will make you feel better soon." He kissed his boyfriend lightly on the back of the head as he continues to rub on the aloe, and England blushed for the thousandth time that day. As France rubbed on the aloe, England's face grew redder and redder. "I - um, I can do the front!", he exclaimed as his boyfriend began to rub his chest. France snickered. "Very well," he purred as he handed England the bottle of aloe gel. He kissed his forehead, and then walked away to wash his hands.

*England's POV*

  England continued to put on the gel, still feeling highly embarrassed. "Why must you be so cute, idiot?", he mumbled under his breath. He shook his head, smiled a bit, and continued to apply the gel - all the while, attempting to keep thoughts of Francis out of his mind.

~The End~

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