The Frog Loves My Food

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((A/N I'm doing some "Imagine your OTP things for a bit ☺️ This one is: "One making awful breakfast for the other and the other eating it because they appreciate it that much"))

*England's POV*

"Haha!", England thought as he sat up in bed. "France slept in! Now I finally have a chance to cook for him. He'll love it!" England hopped out of bed and marched happily into the kitchen. Francis had been up really late last night, so he had slept in - giving England just enough time to make breakfast!

England got out a pan, eggs, several pieces of bread, and a kettle of tea. "I'll make the best plate of toast and eggs he's ever tasted in his entire bloody life!" He got to work. Soon the toast was in the toaster and the eggs were sizzling on the stove. He stared at the scrambled eggs, tilting his head. "Should they look like that?.. I think so... I don't want them to burn, maybe I should take them off the burner." He turned off the fire and dumped there runny scrambled eggs onto two plates. "Time for the tea!"

The Brit became so preoccupied in the tea, that he completely forgot about the toast - until, of course, he smelled a strange burning smell. He whirled around to see smoke puffing out of the toaster. "Oops! I must've set it on too high of a setting," he thought as he turned it off. "Well, the toast is nice and crispy!" He set he charred pieces of "toast" onto the plates next to the eggs. As the tea was boiling, he thought about what France liked. "Hm... Well... He's always putting little plants and salt and such on his food. I think I'll season the eggs up a bit!" England grabbed salt, pepper, and some green shriveled up stuff and dumped them all over France's food; but not his own. He wasn't much into eating herbs and whatnot on his food.

A smirk was plastered on his face as he poured the tea into some cups. "The frog will love this!", he whispered as he grabbed the plates and walked back towards the bedroom.

*France's POV*

France sat straight up in bed. "Somezhing is very wrong...", he mumbled to himself. A sudden smell infiltrated his senses - it was something in between burnt rubber and evil. He whipped the blanket off of him, and was about to race into the living room to see what was on fire, when England walked in carrying two plates of food. "Oh. Makes more sense now.", he thought as he sat back onto the bed.

"Look, idiot! I made us some breakfast!" A plate of... Something... Was placed in France's hands. It appeared to be a piece of charcoal, a half cooked egg, and a pile of seasonings. France swallowed loudly and picked up his fork. "Oh.. Merci, Angleterre." England smiled widely and beamed as France scooped up something evil onto his fork. "You're welcome, frog!"

Closing his eyes and swallowing once more, France shoved the food in his mouth. Fighting the instinct to gag, he smiled up at England. "It's delicious...", he croaked out. His boyfriend had a look of pride on his face as he scarfed down his own plate. "I'm glad you like it! See, I told you I'm not a bad cook!" France nodded as he attempted to force the food down. England quickly finished his plate, while France was about halfway done with his. England smiled again. "Well, I'm going to wash this plate off. See you in a moment!"

As soon as England left the room, France dashed into the bathroom. He scraped the half eaten "toast" and eggs of death into the toilet and flushed, hoping that they would go down. Or not kill any sewer creatures. Or not create a sewer monster. He spit out the bite that was currently in his mouth, and scurried back into the bedroom. Right after that, England walked in. "Done already, frog? You must really like it! Want any more?" France felt the color drain from his face. "O-oh, merci, but non. I am full... But I zhink I will make some coffee..." England laughed. "Alright then!"

*England's POV*

England gazed proudly at the empty plate in his hands. The frog had loved it! He'd definitely be making lunch for the two of them later!

((A/N Remember to vote, comment, and leave suggestions!))

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