Moonlight Masquerade

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((Not sure how this will turn out 😅 Just kind of winging it. Setting is a masquerade ball!!))

*England's POV*

The Englishman glanced around from the edges of the dance floor. He knew that who he was looking for was here somewhere... He bumped into somebody, and snapped his attention back to in front of him. He had bumped into a very thin woman wearing a long red dress and an exquisite mask.

The woman leaned in close; he could almost see her bat her eyelashes through the mask. "Hello there," she purred. "What brings you here tonight?" "I got invited," he sighed.


The woman laughed slightly, pressing up against him. "How do you know the person throwing the ball?" Arthur grimaced. "He's my brother."

The woman put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to assume you're just as handsome as him, underneath that mask and suit." Arthur narrowed his eyes and shrugged her hand away. "I suppose I'm alright." The woman was silent for a moment. "Would you like to dance?"

Arthur shook his head and backed up. "No I'm... I'm looking for somebody." At that, he whirled around and melted into the crowd of masks and fancy clothes.

"He must be here somewhere... He's here every ball. Oh lord... If he's not here this time I swear I'll kill somebody." Suddenly he saw who he was looking for.

The tall, thin man with the white suit and gold and white swan mask chatted to a group of men and women, a glass of champagne in one hand. His long blonde hair was tied back with a gold ribbon, and it hung loosely. Arthur swallowed and took a deep breath.

Asking him around a lot of people would be even harder... And besides, there was no guarantee he'd say yes. There was no guarantee he was even gay!

He puffed out his chest, lifted his head, and marched over to the man. "Um... Hello," he said, tapping the man on the shoulder, who turned to look at him. "Hmm? Ah, bonsoir, Monsieur." The man seemed to be examining every little piece of Arthur. "Trying to figure out who I am," Arthur thought.

He swallowed and held out a hand. "Would you.. Would you care to dance?" A couple women in the group gasped, and a man snickered. The handsome man blinked, then looked back at Arthur with a smile. "Of course," he said, taking Arthur's hand in his. Ignoring the chattering of the group behind him, the man practically twirled away, dragging Arthur along with him.

  The two began a rhythmic swirling and stepping to the music, the handsome Frenchman leading. "Do I... Know you? You seem so familiar?...", the man murmured in Arthur's ear, his French accent ringing out clearly. "Oh... I come here a lot. I see you here often too." The man chuckled and spun Arthur around before pulling him close to him again.

  "People are looking...", Arthur muttered, a blush rising to his cheeks. "I knew this was a bad idea..." The man shrugged and brushed his cheek against Arthur's as they sashayed across the dance floor, causing tingles to flow through his whole body. "So what?", the man laughed. "What zhey zhink has no effect on us. We are having fun, oui? At least.. I hope you are." Arthur snorted. "Yes, I am. Now... What's your name?"

  The man harrumphed. "Telling a name ruins zhe fun of a masquerade ball!"

((A/N Yes but the author doesn't want to keep referring to you as "the man" over and over, we all know who you are))

  Arthur gave a small smile and laughed. "I suppose so... You know, I've seen you from the distance this whole time and noticed you hanging around many people... But you're so much more of a flirt up close." The Frenchman laughed loudly and spun Arthur around once more as the song ended. He then pulled Arthur close again, kissing him softly on the lips. Their masks bumped slightly and Arthur realized the man tasted strongly of wine and champagne, but he sank into the kiss and put his arms around the man's waist.

  Suddenly a throat cleared behind him. "Uh, dude? Can you get a room or something? I'm trying to act professional and you're killing my vibe. And making out with my friend." Arthur's eyes flew open and he jerked away. The Frenchman snorted as Arthur shoved his brother away, blushing.

  "Let's take zhis outside, shall we?", the man said, holding onto Arthur's hand. Arthur opened his mouth but was quickly cut off by his brother. "Yep, lets! Bye bye, have fun! Sex is off limits on the roof!!" He shoved the two of them across the dance floor and out the door, before slamming it shut.

The two men stood outside the door, a pool in front of them and a garden off to one side. Moonlight shimmered down, illuminating everything around them. The Frenchman began snickering, and so did Arthur. Soon the two of them were laughing so hard they could barely breath, grabbing onto each other's shoulders. As Arthur gasped for breath, he sat down on a bench. "So," he spluttered out between laughs, "what is your name."

The man sat down, still letting out random bursts of giggles. He then reached behind his head and untied the mask, pulling it away from his face. "I'm Francis," he said, staring at Arthur with a bright smile. Arthur blushed a deep red. "Oh. Oh! You're my brother's cook!!" Francis laughed loudly. "Oui, and you are Arzhur," he said as he reached behind Arthur's head and undid the mask, bringing it away slowly.

Arthur suddenly leaned in for a kiss, and the two of them stayed there for a moment, pressed up against each other. Arthur then pulled away. "I.. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Francis smiled softly. "Back in France, we call zhat love," he said softly.

"Cliché frog... Cute, cliché frog who makes me blush..."

"Care to dance?", Francis asked, holding out his hand. Arthur rolled his eyes at the Frenchman and took his hand. "Of course," he said, and the two sashayed away in the moonlight.

((A/N Ehhhhh that was okay 😂 Please vote, comment, and check out my other stories!! 💗))

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