Chapter 4

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Haley may be beautiful but she doesn't give me half of all I need I walked in with my cute little fling Pia Toscano into a resteraunt to take her out. No one from our school goes here anyway and they ones that do don't even know Haley and I are dating so my secret is safe with them. Pia and I took our seats as a new waiter walked over to us who looked about our age and I think I might have seen him before in school "Hello my name is Phillip and I'll be your server today what would y'all like to order to drink?" he said. "I'll have a Diet Coke." Pia smiled "And I'll have a Coke." I said. "Coming right up." he said as he walked off. I knew I'd seen him before and I think he knows Haley. Oh well maybe he won't recognize me for being with her after all she and I didn't meet him together.

Phillip brought us back our drinks and we ordered our food. "Fano babe what's wrong?" Pia asked a little concered by how I was acting "Babe...I think he knows Haley." I whispered as Pia gasped. "Oh no....what if Paul finds out I'll be in such trouble." "Look babe play it cool. He's new to the school so he doesn't know Paul and if he knows Haley he doesn't know that I'm her boyfriend." I whispered. Pia seemed satisfied with that answer. We just took the check after we finished our food hoping our secret was safe with him if not...a little persuasion could always go a long way.

I made my way back home with Pia. "Well baby what do we do now?" she giggled as I kissed her neck. "What else are we going to do babe?" I smirked. "I have to be back home soon...." she sighed. "Aww babe just be late and say it was traffic." I said. She hesitated. "Well I guess I could...." she said. "Great." I smirked as we made love again. If Haley really believed everything I told her about what Casey said about me than she really was dumber than she looked.


Sometimes your voice is the hardest thing to stand out in a crowd full of voices. This had always been my biggest chance to become a someone instead of being a no one. I know I had all that Dollywood experience but here at NMA nothing seemed to help stand out among so many other voices. There were just so many talented people I didn't know where to begin. School started bright and early as it always does the next day. When it was time for duets my heart fluttered a little bit because I had a bit of a crush on my partner, Paul Jolley. He too was a country singer and was just amazing.

"So....." he said. "So....." I giggled. "What song should we do. I mean there are so many country songs out there for us for duets." he smiled a bit. "I really love 'From This Moment On' by Shania Twain." I offered. "I think that's just perfect Janelle." he smiled a bit and my heart flew away. "Thanks." I smiled. "Well since we both know it we can quickly get to rehearsing." he smiled. I nodded as we praticed a bit in the classroom. "Y'all sound amazing." said another girl in my class, Kree Harrison. "Thanks Kree." I smiled "Anytime Janelle. Seriously y'all should do more duets your voices sound killer together." she smiled as she walked back to her partner Baylie Brown. 

"I agree with Kree." Paul smiled. "Do you think you could maybe come over later and rehearse some more after school?" I asked seeing that class was almost over and I had to jump on my oppurtunity to spend time alone with him. "Sounds great. Where do you live?" I gave him my address and number that way he could come over after school today. My heart fluttered at the thought of spending time with him and maybe, just maybe getting my first boyfriend at NMA.

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