6. Knock Out

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Logan's POV
It was game night again so I went for a Clayton Kershaw jersey with dark jeans and white Converse. I put my hair up in a ponytail and did my make-up.
Mia wasn't feeling good (Nausea and all), so I was going to the game alone. I grabbed my purse, said bye to Mia, and left. After a quick drive, I went past the security guards and into the locker room, where the guys were about to leave for batting practice.
"Hey baby." Corey said, coming out of a crowd of guys.
I smiled and he pulled my into a kiss. Well, what started as a kiss and slowly turned into a mini make-out.
"Alright, alright! We get it!" Chase groaned from the couch.
"Get a room!" Andrew laughed.
"Don't get him riled up before a game. The kid won't focus with you on his mind." Clayton teased, Corey pulling away and giving them all playful glares.
I blushed and everyone laughed.
"C'mon! Go time!" Dave said, pounding at the door.
They grabbed their stuff and I quickly kissed Corey good-bye.
"See you after the game." He said, giving me another peck.
"Of course. Go get 'em, handsome." I said, after one more kiss.
He smiled and left. I went up to my seats and watched them practice.
2nd Inning
So far, so good! Dodgers up 4-1 against the Diamondbacks and things are lookin good. Of course, Maeda is pitching amazingly and guys are performing phenomenally defensively.
"Up next: Shortstop, #5, Coreeey Seageeer!"
I cheered and smiled, as well as the whole stadium. He walked up to the plate, getting into his stance. First pitch, outside. Ball 1. Next pitch, Foul.
"C'mon baby." I mumbled.
Next pitch, rise ball right into his shoulder. I gasped and cupped my hands over my mouth. I saw him wince, but he was fine and took 1st. That punk, Grienke...Watch it bud...
8th Inning
Dodgers with an amazing 12-2 lead and the game might as well be over. Chase just hit a double and with Corey up next, we're all hopin for a hit. I mean, I know he's gonna get one.
Steps up to the plate, in his stance. Here we go. First pitch, strike swinging.
Alright, c'mon baby...
Second pitch, foul to right.
Straighten it out, let's go...
Third pitch, inside ball.
C'mon, give him somethin to hit!
Fourth pitch, straight at his face. Hitting him right between the eyes, he flips over and falls to the ground, motionless.
I scream, the crowd gasps. Trainers run onto the field, trying to get a response out of him. His eyes are closed, no movement. They quickly get him on a gurney and carry him out.
I panic and run up the steps, through the stadium, and down to the lockeroom. I run back to the medical area and he's laying in a bed, paramedics checking him out.
"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked nervously, trying to catch my breath as I hold back my tears.
"We won't know until he wakes up. We gotta get him to the ER, and quick. Ball hit him right between the eyes. There's a possibility he'll slip into a coma or wake up blind." One of them said.
My heart stopped.
The ambulance arrived and took him away. Joc, Chase, Adrian and Justin rushed in, finishing the 9th inning.
"Where is he??" Joc said.
"They t-took him to t-the hospital. S-said he might go into a coma or wake up b-blind!" I stuttered, beginning to sob.
"Hey, hey, hey. Breathe. Calm down. He's gonna be fine." Joc said.
"I-I gotta get to the hospital." I said, grabbing my purse.
"I'll be there in a bit. Text me on any updates." Joc said.
I nodded and ran to my car. I called Mia as I sped to the hospital. She said to text her on updates. I parked and ran inside to the receptionist.
"What room is Corey Seager in?" I asked.
She typed on her computer.
"5th floor, Room 1200." She said.
I thanked her and ran to the elevators. I found his room and went inside. Doctors and nurses surrounded him.
"Is he okay?" I asked.
A doctor turned around and sighed.
"We have no clue until he wakes up. This case is a bit more serious because it hit him right between the eyes. Caused bleeding from his nose and knocked him unconscious. If he doesn't wake up in 24 hours, he'll slip into a coma. If he does wake up, there's a chance he could be blind." He said.
I started crying and pushed them out of my way, revealing my baby. His face was purple and brusied, all from one nasty curve ball. He had a little bit of dried blood around his nose, and his chest slowly rose and fell.
Please wake up babe...Please wake up...

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