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A soulmate was someone who was made for someone else. They were perfect for each other. They were meant to be together and were prepared to fight every single obstacle life throws at them in order to be together.

They would die for each other. No. Scratch that. They would live for each other. It's a lot easier to die for someone than to live for them.

They'd be there every step of the way. That's how Anakin had always imagined it. But what if a soulmate was someone who you knew you could never be with? Who you didn't even know if you wanted to be with? What then?

Would you and your soulmate keep trying to be together? Or just give up because you knew it could never be? Anakin didn't even want to be with his soulmate. He wanted to be with Padmé, but since he wasn't her soulmate... who was?

The thought of seeing Padmé with someone else killed him inside. He had been in love with her since the day they met. Isn't that how soulmates fall for each other? Love at first sight?

Anakin definitely didn't have that with his. His soulmate was bossy, annoying, and never once did they act like they actually appreciated Anakin. That wasn't someone he wanted to be with.

But still, Anakin needed to figure out what his soulmate's tattoo said, so he could confirm that either his tattoo was wrong, or that this fairy tale was just a fairy tale.

Anakin Skywalker looked down at his wrist once more, reading the 11 ink words written in script. He wondered why they said that. Why the world thought that they were his soulmate.

He didn't like them in that way at all. They were like an older sibling to him, maybe even a parent. Never once would he think of them as a soulmate.

A knock was heard on Anakin's door. He opened it, revealing one of the other padawans. This one was Master Windu's padawan. Anakin was good friends with her, they've known each other for quite awhile.

Her name was Viola, Viola Xenex. She was a zabrak, around the same age as Anakin, maybe a little older. She had very pale skin, and long black hair that was always kept in a braid. Her eyes were a fiery shade of orange, and her horns were red. She wore the Jedi robes and had a purple lightsaber like her master's.

"Hey Viola, come in." He flashed her a warm smile, moving aside so she could step into the room.

"Hey, did you get your tattoo?" She smiled back at him.

Anakin shut the door behind her, his smile falling. "Yeah..."

"Then why do you sound so sad? You've been waiting for this for awhile."

"It uh... isn't who I thought it'd be," he mumbled, his eyes fixed on the floor.

Viola put her hand on his shoulder. "It can't be that bad. What does it say?"

Anakin rolled up his sleeve and showed the other padawan his tattoo. It read 11 simple little words, that completely changed his life forever.

"He is one with the force Anakin... You must let go," Viola read aloud, then looked up at her friend. "Well, what does that mean?"

A blush crept onto Anakin's cheeks and he awkwardly scratched his face. "It's uh... the first thing my master said to me. It was when Qui-Gon died."

"Obi-Wan is your soulmate?!" she yelled, her eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

"Don't say it so loudly! I don't want anyone to hear," he whisper-yelled, covering her mouth with his hand.

"Sorry," she whispered as he removed her hand.

"It's fine."

"What does his say? Does it match yours?"

Anakin thought for a moment. He still had never seen it. He'd have to find out, but how?

"I have no clue. Obi-Wan would never let me look at it."

"We definitely have to find out then. If it does, then you can't be looking for it. He'd get suspicious. Oh! I got it! I'll find it for you. I can challenge him to a sparring match and cut his robes, look at it then." She smiled, happy with herself.

"No, no, wait! I don't even know if I like Obi-Wan. I uh... still have feelings for Padmé," the padawan mumbled.

Viola rolled her eyes. "You haven't seen Padmé in what, 9 years? I highly doubt you'll see her anytime soon," she reasoned.

A soft sigh escaped Anakin's lips. He knew very well that she was right, but he still held onto the hope of Padmé loving him back.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. She is the queen of Naboo after all. Why would she ever love me anyway? I'm just a troublemaking padawan that doesn't know how to listen to his master..." he trailed off, disappointed with himself.

The sound of skin meeting skin filled the room as Viola slapped him, not liking the way he was speaking of himself.

"How dare you say such a thing! You are so much more than that! Sure, you can get into trouble sometimes, but you also go out of your way to complete your missions. You've saved your master's life countless times and he's done the same for you. You're the chosen one for Force's sake!" she yelled.

"Yeah, the chosen one." Anakin smiled, but still didn't quite believe what she said.

"So, I'm gonna go and find Master Windu, we're supposed to practice using the force more today. See ya Ani!" she said, exiting the room.

"Bye Viola!" Anakin waved and watched as she left his quarters, closing the door behind her.

Would she really be able to find out what Obi Wan's tattoo said?


Here's another update for y'all cause you guys are so nice <3

As promised, this one is longer lol.

Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments!

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