One Direction Relationship Series

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Your sister was a massive One Direction fan so you were stood in a line waiting for her new book to be signed but secretly you did like them too and you had seen all the video diaries you just didnt let anybody else know that. You had now waited in line for over 13 hours.  Yes 13! Im not that big of a fan you thought

Suddenly screams filled your ears and you came to the conclusion that One Direction had came into the room. Your eyes flickered to the stage and there they were,  a little squeal escaped your lips but thank god for screaming teenage girls so no one heard you. After around half an hour your sister stepped up onto the stage and ran to the table that the boys were sat at. You lazily walked after her and when you looked up your eyes were drawn to sparkling green eyes, Harry's! You smiled politely and he gave you a little smirk his dimples on show.

While (y/s/n) had Louis', Niall's, Liam's and Zayn's attention from her screaming you walked to Harry's part of the table luckily he was at the end

"Hey" you blushed

"Hey, im Harry but I guess you already knew that, whats your name beautiful?" Harry asked

"Hey Harry im (y/n)" you said shyly

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Harry said with a wink making you giggle


A loud laugh entered the Apple store making your head snap up, you worked at the Apple store and you had been there 3 hours already and you had already dealt with 2 complaints,  4 over the top snotty rich people and a attempt at a theft. You looked at the loud noise and your breath got stuck in your throat and you started coughing and spluttering it was 3/5 of One Direction, Louis,  Niall and Harry. After finishing your coughing attack you walked to the opposite side of the store, you didn't want to find a new 'rich kid snotty side' to you idol incase he was nothing like he was like in the video diaries,  yes you were a very big fan and you weren't afraid to show it and everyone knew but you couldn't fan girl at work you would get sacked.

After around 20 minutes the noise died down, guessing they had gone you just carried on with what you were doing.

"Do you work here?" A deep voice asked

"No, I just have the works t-shirt on the badge" I snapped sarcastically

"im sorry" I apologised looking up and in front of my eyes was the one and only Louis Tomlinson

"no problem love bad day huh?" he asked

You nodded your head and he looked at you sympathetically

"Ok so enough about me, what can I help you with?" you asked

"nothing I just wanted to speak to you" Louis blushed and you grinned

"Louis lets go" Harry shouted from across the store

"well I have to go, I'll see you soon for sure" Louis winked then walked out


You woke up and looked at the clock to see it was 8 o' clock, you should have been up 30 minutes ago! You rushed around getting ready for work and then ran out yout flat barely remembering to lock the door. You jumped on the bus and it couldnt go slower if It tried, it decided today there would be lots of traffic.  Someone up there hate me, you thought

You ran through the town centre trying to get to your job at forever 21. You skidded in between all the early shoppers but was stopped when a surge of heat went through your chest

"ouch" you yelled

"Oh, Oh my im so sorry" a voice said

Looking up your eyes saw Liam Payne, you rubbed your eyes but taking your hands away Liam Payne was still stood there in front of you

"you have coffee all over you now im so sorry" Liam said

Remembering you were late you shrugged it off

"its fine,  it was my fault now I have to go" you said in a rush

"are you late for work? if you tell me where you work I could come and tell them not to be harsh on your for being late because it was my fault" he suggested

"I work at Forever 21 but no its fine if I run I can probably make it" and with that you ran off


You were sat in a bar waiting for your brother to turn up, you had a drink and was sat in a booth, you were annoyed because it was clear that your brother wasnt coming he was always early or right one time and he was 30 minutes late.

"you alright babe?" a deep voice asked

you shrugged and felt the cushions in the booth dip meaning the guy sat down

"whats wrong?" he asked

"my own brother stood me up" you said still not looking at him

"thats rubbish, feel free to come and hang with me and my friends" the guy said

This time you looked up and your eyes looked into his, they were brown and mysterious

"I-I gu-guess" you stuttered but then stared blushing

Your eyes looked over his features wondering where you had seen him before

"well im Zayn" he said smiling

"(y/n)" you smiled back

"(y/n) I like it" Zayn said your name rolling off his tongue

Then you realised where you knew him from,  he is in a band, One Direction? you though

"so (y/n) wanna come and hang out?" Zayn asked

You just nodded your head going with him


As you walked down the street to meet your friends you put your earphones in and put your phone on shuffle. You had listened to a few songs when your favourite song, Vive La Vida by Coldplay came on. Being as confident as you were you started singing down the street. You took one earphone out and carried on walking down the street singing and when you got the the chorus you started really singing but you heard someone join in beside you

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

You sang. When the song finished you looked to the voice next to you, it was NIALL HORAN!

"great song right?" he asked

"the best, its my favourite" I replied shyly

"really mine too" he exclaimed

You nodded your head furiously

"so whats your name then beautiful" Niall asked

"(y/n)" you replied and he smiled nodding his head

"so where are you off to this fine day, (y/n)" Niall asked

"just to some friends at the cinema" you smiled

"really? this is so wierd me too" Niall smirked "wanna walk with me?" Niall shyly asked

You nodded and you and Niall started walking together

One Direction Relationship SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now