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"shall we go ma' Lady?" Harry asked making you giggle nodding your head

"where we going?" you asked

Harry tapped his nose, implying he wasn't going to tell you, you stuck you bottom lip out but he ignored it.

Harry took you hand and you both started walking, him leading you were to go. You ended up Nandos

"I thought this was Niall's thing?" you giggled

"so you are a fan?" he smirked making you blush

You hit Harry's arm playfully as he opened the door letting you walk in.

"Table for two" Harry asked

The Waiter led you and Harry to a booth, the waiters eyes scanned up and down your body and Harry wrapped his arm around you

"she's taken" Harry growled

This would usually bug you, but it was weird coming from Harry you liked it

You and Harry ordered the same thing, which was really weird!

(A/N ive never been to Nandos :o :'(, so I couldn't say whats on the menu!)

While you waited for your food you and Harry got to know each other

"so whats your favourite colour?" Harry asked

"green" you smiled

"I like the colour green, to be honest I like a lot of colours if there bright" Harry smiled

"coooool" you smiled


Louis drove you to the cinema and on the way there you decided on watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire as it was new.

When you got into the cinema you walked up to the desk

"two adult tickets for The Hunger Games please" Louis said

"that will be £10:50 please" the guy behind the counter said

Pulling out your purse Louis put his hand on yours and sparks filled your body,  no matter how cheesy that sounded it was true.

"im paying for snacks" you moaned but Louis shook his head

When you were sat in the movie, Louis bum shuffled closer to you.

"like the film" he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine....


You let Liam through the front door, put Love Actually on and then he jumped on your couch, you jumped on too landing on Liam.

"im sorry" you mumbled trying to move off him but Liam put his arms around your waist leaning his head against your shoulder

"don't move I like this position" Liam whispered

You giggled and Liam smirked against your skin. Through the film you mostly spoke as you had both seen the film numerous of times! You also started eating through the massive mound of sugary food and drink that Liam had bought.


You and Zayn climbed into the Ferrari. Your eyes scanned around the leather interior,  it is so beautiful!

Zayn watched you smiling

"you really like this car huh?" Zayn asked and you nodded your head furiously.

Zayn chuckled before starting up the car


Zayn led you through the park holding your hand making you blush, you came to a big field and it was deserted, in the middle was a blanket with a wicket basket. Zayn took you over holding uou hand till you both sat down. Zayn then opened the basket and pulled out all different foods.

You ate and ate and ate and you probably looked look like a fatty but you didn't care, all the food was really good

"catch" you throwing a grape at Zayn and he caught it

"well done!" you yelled playfully

"your turn" he said sitting up

you opened your mouth waiting for the grape when about 5 hit each part of your face

"No fair!" you squealed!

(A/N if you have seen High School Musical 2 its like Troy and Gabrielle's date on the golf track thing)


"oh good, I didn't want you to think I was a slut or anything" you blushed

"I could never think that" Niall said smiling

You smiled back and Niall took your hands in his

"wanna dance" he smirked

You nodded your head and Niall dragged you lightly to the place were everyone was dancing

You faced Niall and you both started dancing to 'Viva La Vida' you were both singing out and it made you remember when you first met. When Viva La Vida finished Listen By Beyoncé started

You wrapped your hands around Nialls neck and his rested his on your hips swaying to the music

"this is nice" you blushed

"very" Niall said in your ear

(A/N I know its sounds like it finished halfway through the date but for the next part I was thinking of 'he kisses you on the date' so it will carry on :D)

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