Texting/ asking you out on a date

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Harry. (H=Harry Y=You)
H: Hey babe x

Y: Hey Harry you finished your signing now? x
H: No im just being bad, texting you when I should be signing :o x

Y: Naughty Harry haha, why are you messaging me anyway?  x
H: Because I can't resist you ;) x

Y: Harry! haha x
H: Mummy always told me to tell the truth ;) x

Y: True that x
H: So, what do you say? me&you Friday? xxxxxxxx

Y: You sure know how to treat a girl Harry :)
H: Do I have to beg? x

Y: Well..? x

Y: ok then :) x

Louis (L=Louis Y=You)

Y: Hi Louis
L: Hey (Y/n) x

Y: so we are at that stage?
L: what stage? what im confused.com

Y: The kiss stage 'x'
L: im sorry does that offend you,  im so sorry :(

Y: No I was joking Lou Lou :D xxx
L: Lou Lou? I like it hehe ;) x

Y: hehe? you girl! :p x
L: hey IM the sass master from Doncaster x

Y: nah I don't think so sunny :p x

Y: sorry only Jimmy can protest
(A/N you have to watch the video diaries to understand this x)
L: Man I dont even say that any more x

Y: your gay? :o x
L: what????!! x

Y: well if im a man..im pretty sure your a man...x
L: 1. So you have been watching me naked?! :o and 2. before you called me girl so your the guy and I'm the girl nah nah!  x

Y: touché x

L: so um.. can I ask you a question?

Y: go ahead :) x
L: would you like to come to the cinema's with my saturday to watch a film? x

Y: I would love to :) x

Liam (Li=Liam Y=You)
Li: hey gorgeous x

Y: Your forward haha x
Li: Being shy gets you no where I've learnt that! x

Y: True, I like a forward guy x
Li: more forward for me then? x

Y: nope your perfect x
Li: Nah love your perfect x

Y: thanks Li x
Li: so......

Y: don't do that! I hate when people do that! :p I wont kill you this once! x
Li: soooo.........x

Y: don't push it Payne ;) x
Li: No fair! you get to know my name and you could probably find anything out about me and I know nothing about you! x
(A/N I obviously cant write about this, your all going to be different! x)
Li: your interesting x

Y: Thanks Li :) x
Li: Np babe x

Y: By the way I got to work just on time but I had to buy another top jeezz! x

Li: im sorry :/ I will buy you another?  x

Y: When are we going to even see each other?  x
Li: well I would like to see you again but its hard being famous with paparazzi x

Y: I have no plans for the weekend only if you want to.. x
Li: I would love to...yours? x

Y: yes sure I will send you my adress x

Zayn (Z=Zayn Y:You)
Z: Hey

Y: im sorry about that Zayn,  I was at work! x
Z: its fine babe! x

Y: gooooooood! :) x
Z: so I was wondering um...

Y: go ahead :) x
Z: if you wanted to meet up sometime soon? x

Y: I would love too Zayn :) x
Z: I mean you dont have to x
Z wait what?!

Y: no Zayn seriously I would love too!
Z: thats great thank you :D x
(A/N short and sweet from insecure, shy Zayn)

Niall's (N=Niall Y:You)
N: Hi (Y/n) xx

Y: Hi Niall :) x
N: what are you doing? :) x

Y: stalker much? ;) x
N: :p x

Y: nah im sat at home not doing much how about you x
N: Having a pint of gat with the guys x

Y: Gat? x
N: Oh Guinness... Gat is an Irish thing x

Y: oh cool :) x
N: so what are you doing over the weekend? x

Y: definitely stalker ;) x
N: im not a stalker :p x

Y: okkk then ;) but nothing im a loner this weekend! x
N: me too!  lets be loners together! x

Y: we wouldn't be loners then would wee? :p x
N: your just harsh! x

Y: you love it ;) x
N: i guess x

Y: so this weekend you wanna be non loners together..:) x
N: I would love to... x

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