Meeting the band

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We are having a movie night,  want to come along???- H x

You replied of course, but after finding out it was with the other guys you started to worry, what if they don't like me?!! you worried

Harry had told you to wear pyjamas and that you could stay the night which made you worry but you were soon put at ease because you knew Harry wasn't like that no matter what the papers said, you had got to know the real Harry Styles

You threw your hair up in a bun, you put on you pyjamas that were pink, the shorts came mid thigh and the top was like a tank top but you threw sweats and a jumper over it to keep you warm before getting there,  you packed clothes for the next day and your dressing gown and matching slippers.

You got a taxi over to the address Harry had given you because you refused to let him leave the guys just to pick you up because he shouldn't leave his friends and you didn't want to give a bad impression.

You knocked on the door and it swung open to see an unhappy Louis

"what?! I mean, what can I do for you...Please tell me your not a fangirl? I mean I love my fans but I don't want a random girl screaming in my face, me and the guys are watching a film, we want to have a good night, be..."

"(y/n)!" Harry exclaimed coming out giving you a hug and peck on the cheeks

"well then,  little Harry is growing up" Louis teased making Harry blush and you giggle

"struck gold there pal" Louis said slapping Harry's shoulder making you blush this time

Harry took your hand and led you in behind Louis

"Look who Harreeeh has brought" Louis said moving to the side

All the boys jaws dropped

"good one!" Niall laughed

"it is my girlfriend" Harry exclaimed

"nice to meet you" Liam said

"you too" you said shyly

The night was spent watching movies and you getting to know the lads and them you. All together it was a great night and by the end of it you never knew why you were nervous.

Meal, me and you? x -Lou x

Your stomach flipped as you ran to your wardrobe quickly, if its a meal its most likely going to be fancy....

You finally decided on a black and purple dress, the bodice was black and the skirt was purple, short at the front long at the back. You picked black high heels and a purple dress. For accessories you had a long purple and black bead necklace and a silver charm bracelet.

When you arrived your stomach flipped as it always did when it neared the time of when you got to see Lou.

You walked through the door and your eyes scanned the room looking for Louis.

"Babe!" a voice shouted making you spin around

Your eyes fell onto Louis sat with all the other boys which made your eyes widden.

Louis walked up to you and wrapped an arm around you placing on of his large hands on the small of your back pushing you gently closer to the table

"guys I'd like you to meet (y/n) my girlfriend" Louis said confidently while you stayed quiet

"Loou??! your cheating on me?" Harry exclaimed pretending to sob onto Liam's shoulder

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