Getting your number

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"So what can i sign for you love?"  Harry asked

"I don't have anything" you blushed " its my sister thats an obsessive fan" you laughed

Harry laughed reaching behind him

"here it is, we always have a couple of copies spare" Harry smiled signing the book.

Harry closed the book handing it to you and opening it there was quite alot of writing and it said

Can I have you number ;) H x

You laughed and looked up to Harry to see him wink at you.

"so??" Harry desperately asked

"y-yes" you said shocked some part of you thought he was joking but you gave it to him anyway, and as you were walking out your phone buzzed in your pocket taking it out it showed an unknown number had sent you a message, opening it said

Hey! H x

You looked back to see Harry, he was with another girl around the age of 13 she was screaming in his face out of excitement and he was putting on a fake smile. Harry looked around the girl and saw you looking back, he gave you an award winning smile his dimples winning you over. You managed to smile back before walking out the door.

Louis(his POV)

It has been 1 week since me Harry and Niall went to the Apple store and I met the girl, I didnt even find out her name and im crushing on her! My mind flickered back to when I first saw her, she is just beautiful and I can't wait to see her today, I got into my car and told the guys I was going to get Nandos for us all and they all agreed they wanted it. I mean I wasnt lying...more just doing something extra to what I said I was doing. I parked my car and jumped out, it is 2pm on exactly the same day I first met her so im hoping she has the same shift times! I walked in silently my eyes scanning the room until they stopped at a girl...the girl, my girl. I strode confidently over to her but inside I was dying with worry.

I tapped on her shoulder and she turned round a smile reaching her lips when she saw me

"Hey Louis" she said

"hey I don't know you name" I said awkwardly

"(y/n)" she told me and it is a gorgeous name and it fits her perfectly

"well its nice to finally know your name" I said and she blushed, I love it when she blushes!

"so how can I help you today kind sir?" she asked laughing

"well, its my phone theres a problem" I started coming up with a great comment

"oh, what's wrong with it" she asked concerned

"its doesnt have your number" I said with a wink

(y/n) burst out laughing, doubling over nearly falling over!

"it wasnt good?" I asked laughing

"nah that was perfect give me your phone smooth guy" she laughed taking my phone and putting her number in

"I need to get the guys food now but I will text or ring you soon, bye" i said walking out

I looked down at my phone to see she had saved her number as


Strange, Strange girl!

Liam(His POV)

All day the mysterious girl had been on my mind, the fact that she was beautiful and that I felt guilty about spilling my coffee into her and possibly making her late to work. Im guessing she works at the forever 21 in town because she said she could run to get to work and its only been an hour so she must still be there. I said bye to the guys because they wanted to go back home I then made my way to forever 21 in search of my mystery girl.

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