I had made it to Jackie's room and dived into his bed, with my body still shaking I wrapped his cover around me. Their voices were now loud and Jas was having a go at Jackie. I hadn't meant to cause more trouble for Jackie. I just wanted to hurt Jas, to make him feel even a fraction of the hurt I was in. Their argument didn't last long because five minutes later I heard the front door slam shut and the engine of Jas's bike roar to life . Jackie entered his room.
"I take you and every fucker in a five mile radius heard his ass leave just now" Jackie said and sat down on the bed next to me. "I'm all for pissing that fucker off. Fuck I even came to blows with him last night when I heard what you had walked in on. But are you trying to get me killed" he laughed.
Pulling the covers tighter around me I shook my head in a no.
" He came in wanting to see how you were and he said that he wanted to sort this shit out. Then you come walking your fine ass in wearing my boxer's and T shirt. Making out that I fucking rocked your world last night. Sorry sweetheart couldn't let him leave thinking that's what went down between us last night. Even after setting his ass straight, he's busting a vain with the thought of you sharing my bed"
"look Jackie I'm really sorry. I used you to get back at Jas and it was wrong of me but I guess I just wanted to hurt him back. I promise it wont happen again and I hope you can forgive me" I asked giving him the saddest face I could.
" woman how can I not when your giving me that puppy dog look although with all that crying you did last night its looking more like road kill" and burst out laughing.
I couldn't help but laugh because I had seen myself In the mirror and he definitely had a point road kill was more like it. Jackie was now looking through his clothes, finding me something to wear home.
"Can I ask you something" I said to Jackie.
"Sure" he replied.
"Is it the norm to go around after you've ripped a girls heart out and see how she is? , Do guys get some sort of sick pleasure out of seeing how crushed she is?"
Jackie stopped what he was doing and turned to me. "Thats the bit I'm having a hard time with doll. Something just isn't sitting right with me. I know Jas and I sure as shit never seen him act that way with a woman the way he is with you. Your not going to like this but a club girl could be ridding his cock one minute then be ridding someone else's the next and he would not give a shit. But all the boys knew you were off limits the moment he saw you. I don't fucking get why he would screw that up then give a shit to how you are"
"What ever I was to him it obviously wasn't enough for him to stop screwing Lynette was it" I could hear the bitterness In my voice as I spoke.
Jackie hadn't said anything after that, he just found me some jogging bottoms to use and a clean t shirt.
I Knew I had to go back to the club my bag, purse, keys and phone was there. After last night the thought of stepping through the door made me feel sick. There was no way I could work there still. I wouldn't put my self through that every day seeing Jas with that slut and the other women he would bring in. I would do it all today and hope I never see either of them again.
"hey sorry to be a pain but do you think you could drop me home then take me to the club I need to pick up my stuff I left last night"
"You sure your ready for that yet?" he asked

Beautifully dangerous
RomanceElle goes to stay with her sister Kate to get away from her cheating ex but once there it seem she's caught the eye of a beautiful but dangerous looking man .