Sat on the floor by the side of the toilet with my knees pulled tight into my chest and my arms around my legs I sobbed and sobbed. Replaying the images over and over in my mind. Seeing them in bed together naked. He didn't even try to make up an excuse he just wanted me gone. I don't understand had he really hated me all along. If he had set out all along to hurt me, well all I can say is mission accomplished. He had managed to not just hurt me but also break my fucking heart too. With tears still falling I could hear not only Jas's raised voice but also Tina's, Dillon's and a few others. Feeling broken and humiliated I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. The last thing I wanted to do was face a bar full of people. All I wanted to do now was leave, get as far away from that arsehole as possible. I had to pull my self together. Wiping my tears away, I forced myself up from the floor and made my way to the bathroom sink. Looking at the my reflection in the mirror, all I could think of was what a idiot I had been. He really had me fooled and I had fallen for his bullshit hook line and sinker. While splashing my face with cold water there was an almighty crash followed by the sounds of screaming making me jump.
I headed towards the commotion and my only exit. As I reached the bar I realised my hope of slipping out unseen wasn't going to happen when Jackie called my name. The room went silent and all eyes turned to me. I hadn't even realised he was here. Looking toward him I could see he was being restrained by Dillon and Jas was being held by Bones. I gasped as I saw both men were panting hard and both looking equally pissed. The bar looked completely trashed. Tables and chairs were now upside down and glass was scattered across the floor. Not being able to look at Jas a second longer I turned my eyes to the floor.
" Dillon get the fuck off me " Jackie growled.
Keeping my eyes on the floor I heard the glass crunching under his big heavy boots as Jackie made his way to me. Seeing his boots stop in front of me I lifted my eyes to meet him. I could see the look of pity in his face now as he started to reach for me.
" Please don't touch me. I,m trying really hard here to keep it together and I'm scared If you hold me I'll embarrass myself all over again" I whispered to him.
Ignoring me, Jackie picked me up and I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. As soon as I was in his arms my body shook and silent tears fell once more.
" You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Nothing at all" He whispered back at me.
With me still in his arms he turned around and headed for the front doors. Jackie opened the doors but before he walked out he shouted over his shoulder.
" She,s staying with me tonight and I suggest you stay the fuck away! " and then he carried me out of there. The only thing I heard as we left was a low growl which I can only presume came from Jas, before the doors closed behind us.
" Elle sweetheart, I'm taking you home with me ok?"
" No Jackie I cant what if "
" Elle trust me that fucker will not be turning up and its late I cant let you go home to your sister like this. Please don't fight me on this sweetheart. Just stay with me tonight and I'll take you home in the morning."
Jackie seamed to be pretty sure that the arsehole wouldn't be turning up and if I went home, Kate would definitely be fussing the moment she saw me and all I really wanted was to curl up into a ball and let all the hurt out in peace, so I said ok. Reaching Jackie 's place he turn the engine off and made his way to my side of the truck and opened the door. I took the hand he held out and closed the truck door. Holding my hand he led us into the kitchen.

Beautifully dangerous
RomanceElle goes to stay with her sister Kate to get away from her cheating ex but once there it seem she's caught the eye of a beautiful but dangerous looking man .