Chapter 10

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^^^My editing skills just fucking suck you guys 😂😂

A/N: I finished writing the chapter early so I decided to publish it early too 😜

Alexa's POV:

5:45 PM. One more hour till my shift is over. Still hate working with a passion. Still hate having to come into work even though I'm still shook after finding out the real reason Calum's dead and witnessing real paranormal shit happen right in front of me yesterday. I'd much rather be sitting in my apartment right now watching Teen Wolf and eating my leftover Hot Pocket or spending time with my cousin Bethany since she's visiting me today and sleeping over, but no. I'm just happy I get paid today. Business is slow right now for some reason so I'm just sitting here bored.

I was in the middle of daydreaming when my manager came up to me with a bottle of cleaning spray and a cloth and asked me to clean the pizza display case. Not my favorite thing to do but at least it's something. I was halfway through when my crazy ass co worker Steve came up to me.

"Lex! You seem a little different the past few days. What's going on with you?"

Bitch why are you all up in my grill I didn't invite you to my fucking barbecue. "Nothing, I'm fine. Besides its none of your business anyway."

"Come on you can tell me." He playfully shoved my shoulder.

"I told you the other day, one of my best friends died."

"It's something else besides that I can tell." He got closer to my face. "Have you been witnessing any paranormal shit happening to you lately?"

I stopped cleaning and turned to look at him. "....How did you know that?"

"I didn't, but I got you to admit it!"

God damn it

"And I'll let you in on a secret. I'm also a little psychic."

You're a little psycho that's what you are.

"So tell me about it I love paranormal stuff!"

I sighed and just let it out. "My friends and I played with a Ouija board and accidentally contacted an evil spirit. Now I'm just praying nothing bad will happen to us and we'll be safe."

"Damn. Well, did you say goodbye before leaving?"

"No we couldn't the spirit made the board fly away from us."

"Oh shit you should've grabbed it and said goodbye anyway. It's one of the most important rules to the board. Not saying goodbye will release the spirit and put you all in great danger."

I looked at him nervously. "Well...maybe we can all gather together again tonight and say goodbye."

"It's too late now, the spirit is already out. You're all screwed. It's coming for you." He started slowly walking closer to me as I backed away from him.

"It could even be near you right now. Be very cautious. I'm getting the strong feeling something terrible is gonna happen tonight."

Okay now he's just being ridiculous. "Okay sure, Steve."

"Don't say I didn't warn ya, Lex. Don't...say...I...didn't...warn...ya." He spoke in a low creepy voice, slowly walking away backwards. I rolled my eyes and continued cleaning. An hour later I picked up my paycheck and left.

While driving home I started contemplating what he said to me. He couldn't have been right, could he? I mean the guy is fucking crazy he's probably just trying to freak me out. But I'm not gonna let him scare me that easily. Tomorrow I'll come into work and prove to him that everything is fine. Nothing is gonna happen to us, we'll be okay.

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