Chapter List & Summaries

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Having both is a Blessing

Sequel to   ‘What Goes Around . . . Comes Around . . . Lost and Found . . . Love

 Chapter list & Summaries


The prologue and first two chapters of this story intertwine with the last two chapters and epilogue, (covering, roughly, the last two weeks of term), of my sixth year story ‘Lost and Found…Love’.  If you haven’t read it, you’d better go through it quickly, or none of this story will make any sense.



Draco and Narcissa exchange letters and bits of news. Gwen, Narcissa and Dobby say good-bye to the ‘Little Lodge’ and begin their journey.


Chapter 1 : Road trip

Side trips, fast food, disguises, Goblins, a new home, watching eyes and Anna’s final instructions.  Goodness, what a busy two days.


 Chapter 2 : The beginning of the end

Anna arrives, the students leave, the Aurors descend on their unsuspecting target and Draco shows that he’s truly the new head of the Malfoy family.  Oh, yes, there’s a new resident ghost. And it’s only the first day of summer holiday.


 Chapter 3 : Fresh starts and a surprise

The ladies get started brewing potion, Draco helps Hagrid with a little emergency, Voldemort gives Bella a promise and the Durlsey’s are the BIG WINNERS!


 Chapter 4 : Expected news and unexpected sorrow

The morning papers are full of news, none of which is unexpected.  Voldemort turns his attention to punishing Draco, with a surprising twist.  Sudden shock and sorrow descend on Hogwarts.


 Chapter 5 : Bad news travels fast

Tempers flare as guilt and sorrow spreads.  Christopher and Hermione deliver the sad news.  Harry and Aunt Petunia share a secret and come to an understanding.


 Chapter 6 : Owl posts

The Daily Prophet carries the event far and wide.   Harry, Draco, Narcissa and Anna send messages. 


 Chapter7 : Funerals, flowers and friends

Draco discovers he has friends, as messages of support and sympathy arrive.  Owls fly, bearing flowers, greetings, instructions and love.


 Chapter 8 : One more chair at the table

Goodbyes and farewells; leaving the old, familiar places and heading for the next destination. Surprises and new beginnings; with friends, old and new.

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearWhere stories live. Discover now