Chapter 14: More Road Trips - Off we go!

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Chapter 14 : More Road Trips – Off we go!

Everyone has places to go and things to do. But what if they’re seen?  Would it matter?  Would anyone suspect who they really are?  And then there are those cravings one gets when one is pregnant.

Chapter 14 : More Road Trips – Off we go!

 Oscar soared in through the open window and landed on the back of Gwen’s chair.  Holding out his leg, he hooted and clacked his beak.  Eileen drifted over.

“Oscar, she’s not up yet; you’ll have to wait, dear.  But I’ll make sure she gives you a treat, alright?”

 Oscar looked at the ghost, blinked, ruffled his feathers, settled down and closed his eyes for a little nap while he waited.

 Not too much later, Gwen shuffled into the kitchen, yawning, heading for the stove, intent on getting the morning coffee perking.  A soft hoot made her spin around.  Oscar lifted his leg and blinked at her.

“For me?”


 “That was quick! Now, where are those owl treats?  Ah, here they are.  Good owl, Oscar.”

 Having untied her letter, Gwen held out the owl treat, which Oscar took in his beak and flew off into the garden, to his hole in the oak tree.

 Gwen unfolded the letter and began reading as she fixed the coffee pot.

 “Oh, excellent!” 

 She sat at the table as she read quickly and turned the page over.  Eileen drifted up through the floor.

“Good morning, Gwen, dear.  I see you have gotten your letter.  Did you give Oscar a treat?  I did promise him one.”

 “Morning, Eileen and yes, I did reward him.  He really takes his job seriously, doesn’t he?”

 “Oh, yes; owls are quite proud of their status in the wizarding world.  What news, then?” she inquired as she drifted through the kitchen table and took a seat next to Gwen.

“I’ve just heard back from my friend, Bill, who works for a medical supply company.  He worked me a great deal on some bottles to use for the ‘Felix’ potion. They should hold exactly the right amount for a six-hour dose.  Each person will have three bottles to carry with them and two more in reserve in our stockpile.”

"My goodness, that’s . . . . that’s . . . . ” Eileen was trying to do some quick calculations

 “Four gross.” Gwen smiled.  “Five hundred seventy six bottles, to be exact.  But they’re small; about this big.”  She held up her fingers and made a space about three inches long.  “A little bigger around than your thumb.”

“I see.  Well, that is excellent!  Airtight?”



 “Well, they wouldn’t shatter, but Anna’s also going to put an anti-crushing spell on them, for extra stability.”

 “Light weight, I assume?”


 “Easily opened?”

 “Twist top.”  Gwen demonstrated the movement and Eileen nodded.

 “Very practical.”

 “Yes, indeedy.”

 “Did Anna check and see if the potion would work for you, Gwen?  I’m not up on the latest research about Muggle tolerance for potions.”

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