Chapter 34 : It's always darkest . . . just before the dawn

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 Chapter 34 : It’s always darkest….just before dawn

Once it gets started, it’s the old “snowball rolling downhill and picking up speed” scene. D.A.s doing their thing, Death Eaters popping in and out, here and there, giants falling down, Inferi going up in flames and Tom does a little redecorating, just for ‘fun’.

Chapter 34 : It’s always darkest . . . . just before the dawn

 Daphne had changed back to her normal looks as the Polyjuice Potion wore off and ‘Disillusioned’ herself after joining Michael, Professor Sprout and Ron in the hallway outside the Hufflepuff common room.   Tonks, Mad-eye and Bill made their way down to the Slytherin dungeon where they found Cissa, also back to normal, throwing the oversized Slytherin uniform she’d “borrowed” to Tykey, who took it away, returning a few seconds later.

“Missy Cissa, if you is needing Tykey, you is just to call.”

 “Yes, thank you, Tykey, you’ve been a great help.  Good luck and be careful,” she answered, bending over to shake the house-elf’s hand.

 Blushing furiously, he ducked his head.  “You is to be careful, too, Missy Cissa; Dobby is telling me to tell you.”

“Oh, I just bet he did,” Cissa laughed, as, ‘pop’, Tykey disappeared.

 “I see you’re a hit with the house-elves, Aunt Cissa,” Tonks said, grinning, as she walked over to give her aunt a hug.

 “Obviously Dobby has put in a good word or two for me.”

“No doubt.”

Cissa turned toward Mad-eye Moody to greet the old Auror.  “Good evening  . . . . morning . . . . night . . . . what time is it anyway, Mad-eye?”

 “Getting on to three, I should think.  Don’t use a watch, myself.  So, I’ll say good early morning, Cissa,” Moody replied.

 “And how are you, Bill?”

 “Ready.”  Bill looked around, checking the hallways and common room.  “Let’s get into position, everyone.   Mad-eye, Draco thinks you’ll just fit on the other side of that drinks cabinet.  He put a strong shield charm on it, for safety sake.”

 “I don’t need no shield charm, laddie!”

“It’s not for you, Mad-eye . . . . it’s for the booze!”

 “HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!”  Tonks, Bill and Cissa exploded in laughter, as they took their places.  Then . . . .  they waited.


 “After you have all assembled in the bathroom, each group will start toward their assigned position. Those of you gathering the students to take to the Dementors will go first, but remember, when you ‘Imperius’ them, do it one dorm room at a time, starting with the oldest; they will be the ones most likely to give you trouble.  Kill anyone who resists . . . . EXCEPT . . . . Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy, IF he has managed to somehow elude those two young fools I sent to the Slytherin dungeon.   Bella?”

 “Yes, Master?” she answered, bowing at his feet.

 “Remember, I will enjoy seeing you rid yourself of your traitorous sister, so if you wouldn’t be too hard on her before you bring her and her son to the Great Hall?”

 “No, Master, I will bring them to you and then exact my revenge for her actions.”

 “Yes, and I will discern the location of your daughter, also, before you finish the job.”

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