Chapter 29 : All Aboard!

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Chapter 29 : All Aboard!

What a difference a year makes.  Last Spring break was the luau at Briarwood.  Now the D.A. needs the memory of that fun occasion to fight off the Dementors sent by Lord Voldemort.  But are they ever really going to be safe?  When you least expect it…expect it!

Chapter 29 : All Aboard!

 “I see Anna and Artemus made it back,” observed Gwen, as she rounded the hedge of rhododendrons and Greystone Manor came into view, the ambulance sitting to the side of the front terrace.

 “Yes; that’s one less worry.  I see the light is on in the nursery, so I’ll be able to hear all about her little ‘adventure’ before being allowed to get some sleep.”  Severus checked his watch. “Two o’clock feeding, it would seem.”

 "We made good time, then.”

 “You drive like a woman possessed!”

“I was doing the speed limit . . . . .or nearly.  There wasn’t any other traffic except the odd lorry, so no harm done.”

“Right, I’ll keep that in mind when I ‘volunteer’ to accompany you on your next clandestine outing.”

“Oh, go on with you, you loved every minute of this cloak and dagger episode.”  Gwen parked the van and turned off the lights and engine.  “Admit it, Severus.”

“Very well; I found it interesting to outwit the Muggle security devices, but I think including Fred and George Weasley was a bit much.  Did we really need them as ‘lookouts’?”

“Of course not, but would you rather they followed us, made too much noise and got caught, not knowing what we were up to?  Worse yet, get us spotted?”

 “That would have been most unpleasant. Very well, I suppose discretion was the better solution.”

“Thank you.  Oh, grab that shopping bag for me, will you.”

 Severus reached into the back, pulled out the large bag and handed it to Gwen as they walked to the front door.

 “What did you purchase when we stopped at that store?”

 “A few things for the children and something for Alice.”

 “Ah, well, that can wait until morning, then.”

 “Yes, Aunty Gwen brings presents to breakfast.”

 “I don’t know who spoils them more, you or my mother.”

 “Let’s call it a tie for now.”


 Severus bowed her through the door and shut it quietly.

 A few moments later Severus opened the nursery door and peeked into the room. 

 “Hello.  I noticed the light was on.”

 Anna was just putting her daughter back in her crib.  Christopher was fast asleep and Ellie sighed and closed her eyes.  Holding her finger to her lips, Anna shooed Severus back into the hall, closed the door gently and then turned and walked into his arms.

 “Finished with your life of crime?”

 “Ah, yes; heady stuff, but I think it was a one time event.”

 “Wrong; don’t forget, you have to return the samples.”

 “True, but, now that I know where in the building to ‘Apparate’, I can pop in, replace the bottle and box and be gone in under ten seconds.  No problem.”

Having Both is a Blessing - A Harry Potter Story -  HP/AU 7th yearWhere stories live. Discover now