Chapter 6: Owl Posts

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Chapter 6 : Owl Posts

The Daily Prophet carries the event far and wide.   Harry, Draco, Narcissa and Anna send messages. 

Chapter 6 : Owl Posts

The Parkinson murders were front page news the next morning.  The wizarding world shook their heads and wondered who, if anyone, was safe from Voldemort’s wrath.

Hedwig arrived at the breakfast table, fluttering down to perch on the back of Draco’s chair, and nibbled at his hair in a friendly sort of way.

“Ah, Harry’s heard,” Dumbledore observed.

“Yeah, looks like it.  Thanks Hedwig.”

Draco untied Harry’s letter from her leg and Hedwig flapped around the table to land on Dumbledore’s arm and receive a few bits of bacon as a treat.  She then took off for the owlery to rest from her trip.

 Draco unrolled the parchment and started to read silently, head bowed, watched, surreptitiously, by the staff members at the table.



Hermione called after lunch and I was shocked and saddened to hear about Pansy and her parents.  However, thinking about it as I write, I am not surprised that Voldemort would do something like this.  I am just sorry it was Pansy. Not that I wish any of your friends any harm, don’t misunderstand me, but it could have been anybody in Slytherin House who was your mate or anyone else you were close to. 

 It is just a shame his mind works the way it does and the fact he has no remorse or feelings about hurting or killing people, even those who supposedly were supporters.  It makes less and less sense.

What ever else you do, do NOT blame yourself.  You no more painted a bull’s-eye on Pansy and her parents than I did on my folks.

 It all comes down to me being able to stop Voldemort.  I hope now you’ll really understand why the DA is there;  to give me as much of a chance as possible, by out fighting and outsmarting the Death Eaters, to do what I must do, for all of us.

 I am planning on coming back to Hogwarts as soon as it can be managed, probably the last week of July. I am going to be showing you some stuff the DA has been learning. We will talk more then, but do not hesitate to write, if you feel the need; to let off steam or to just tell me what you have been up to.  Bet the staff is finding all sorts of things for you to do to ‘help’ them.

Christopher (Dr. Jones – Anna’s husband – he’s got a portrait) told me, jokingly, of course, that that was why Anna had me to her house last Christmas, and I quote  “to help carry in that bloody big Christmas tree.  That is what teenagers are for . . . . feed them . . . . and they’ll rearrange the whole house”  HA!HA! Don’t let them work you TOO hard!

Speaking of Anna and Christopher, do not hesitate to talk to him and thus to her.  They are both very understanding and can help keep your head screwed on straight.  They are pretty cool – for adults – (don’t tell them I said that!)

 I have to go and help Aunt Petunia.  I set the table for dinner and make Uncle Vernon’s ‘after work/before dinner’ drink.   He says I have a “promising future as a barman, if this ‘thing’ (he will not say the word magic) does not work out.”  HA!  As Anna says, always have a plan B, just in case.  That could be my plan B; once we are rid of Voldemort I will open a pub – Potter’s – how does that sound? Or The Wand and Scar? Or The Common Room.  Blimey, this could get very silly, very quickly; better stop before it gets totally out of control, don’t you agree?

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