Chapter 21 : Say the Secret Word, part two

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Chapter 21 : Say the Secret Word, part two

 Taking a little trip down memory lane . . . or hidden tunnel, as the case may be.  What ever happened to old Salazar, anyway?  Elementary, my dear Granger!  Voldemort drops a few hints in Bella’s ear.

Chapter 21 : Say the secret word – part two

 “May I come?” asked Ginny. “After all, I’ve been down there before.”

 It was breakfast time and Dumbledore had just informed everyone of the planned trip to the Chamber of Secrets.

 “So was I, just not all the way to the actual Chamber,” Ron added.

 “I don’t see why not; it will help de-mystify the place.  Make it less of an intimidating mystery and more of an extension of our castle.”  Dumbledore gave a nod.

 “Can any of us, who wants to, come along?” Hermione spoke up. “We could learn our way around, make notes.”

 “That sounds like an admirable idea, Miss Granger,” Albus smiled at her.  “We should also, possibly, measure and map the tunnel and Chamber, for addition in a new chapter of Hogwarts –A History.”

“Oh!” Hermione’s eyes got big. “I’ll volunteer to do that, sir; take notes, measurements, pictures, if I can find a camera.  Too bad Colin went home for the holiday.”

“Now look what you’ve done!” exclaimed Ron, turning to the Headmaster. “She’s got a project!”

Hermione swatted him on the arm. “Ron!”

 “Indeed, Mr. Weasley,” responded Dumbledore, laughing and shaking his head. “But who better to do such a ‘project’ than our Miss Granger, eh?”

 Ron rolled his eyes and then grinned, nodding.

“Morning everyone!”

 “Dr. Jones, welcome!  Join us for some breakfast, won’t you?”

 “Thanks you, but I’ve had breakfast already.  I’ll not say no to another cup of coffee, though.”

 “Have you been up to the seventh floor?”

 “Yes, just did my ‘morning rounds’ and am happy to report all is well and Anna and the twins can come home tomorrow.” Gwen seated herself at the place where Remus was holding a chair for her. “Hi, honey.” She gave him a quick kiss, which caused him to blush. 

 “So,” Minerva turned the subject back to the proposed trip to spare Remus any more embarrassment, as he was turning beet red under the gazes of Professors Flitwick and Sprout. “We’re discussing a trip to the Chamber of Secrets, Gwen, have you heard of it?”

 “As a matter of fact, I have.  Anna has brought me up to speed about Voldemort and everything that has been happening around Hogwarts for the last couple of years.  Why would you all want to go down there?”

 “Just checking to make sure there isn’t a way into the castle somewhere in those tunnels and the Chamber that we’ve been unaware of; precautionary, checking all possibilities.”

 “Cool! I want to go, too”

 “Gwen, it’s dank, dirty and really . . . . ” Remus started to list his objections, but one look at Gwen’s set jaw and he knew he was not going to win.  “Ah . . . . nasty . . . . .so, have you got a really old pairs of jeans you don’t mind getting dirty?”

 “As a matter of fact, I do.  I’ll pop home, tell Narcissa where I’m going and do a quick change.” Turning to Albus, she cocked her head. “I can come, can’t I?”

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