Spread Your Wings..and Your legs (Gabriel)

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Full title: Spread Your Wings...and Your Legs (Gabriel)

Warnings: Wing!kink, Grace!kink, fluff (so much so I have feels like oh my Chuck!  Mentions of abandonment and self-harm (PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THESE ARE TRIGGERS FOR YOU, I know the it was hell for me to actually write being a survior myself).  And as always smut.


Word count:  2885 words

"Gabe.."you strain out between laughs." Stop it....Gabe... Gabriel!"  You wiggle and squirm under his magic fingers,tears streaming down your face.
   "Come on, babycakes. Just say you love me and we can be done with this!" he smiled down at you chuckling.

  "I do," you laugh out. "I love you!"
   The look on Gabriel's face was priceless. He starred back at you, mouth slightly parted, his whiskey colored eyes searching yours. He had completely stopped his relentless tickle attack to stare at you in awe.


Feeling the blood rush to your face,you couldn't stop your blush. Spilling out your crush on the playful, prankster/archangel hadn't been your attention,but here you were.

   Laying beneath him, breathless and blushing. Your shirt riding up your torso and your legs entangled with his due to the relentless attack.

  "Yeah," you stuttered out,looking anywhere but at him.

   "Y/n,look at me." You heard his voice, but embarrassment kept you from obeying.

  "Please," he tried again. This time his voice was coaxing, pleading, and impossible to ignore.

   Turning your head slighty you brought your eyes to his. He was grinning down at you, whiskey eyes so full of hope and... Love? It kind of shocked you.

   How could an angel possibly love you? You were not only a hunter, but a very big klutz. You had more scars (both from your doing and the monsters you'd encountered) than anyone you knew, even the Winchesters. Your past was not an easy one either.
You were basically living on the streets, parents long gone to whatever their latest fix was and at seventeen you were left to fend for yourself in a world you had learned well enough was evil. More evil than the druggy, abusive parents you had had.
One crazy vampire trying to get to close to your goods later, you were hunter,one with a quick fire temper. One who had to slice and dice to release pent up emotion. Sometimes, you'd slice and dice yourself.

Disappearing into the night to kill monsters had become your specialty.

   But here was Gabriel, who in your opinion was the most beautiful thing God had ever made, looking at you like this. The thought made you squirm, self-concious, but his grin widened ever so slightly.

  "Y/n," he mumbled and leaned down ever so slightly. "My heart beats for you."

    Before you could process his words his lips were on yours, deliciously soft and coaxing. When your mind processed this, you wanted to kiss back but you were too stunned to move too moved by the moment and caught in the fact that it was not a dream.

   All to suddenly, the feeling was gone. You opened your eyes to see him,to tell him to keep kissing you,but you couldn't. 

When your eyes opened, he was already gone.

Bringing you to this moment. Three weeks later, and still no word from Gabriel. Not one fucking word.

    Not one.

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