L.S.B.I.M.Y.S (Dean Winchester)

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Full title: Leather Squeaks but I'll make you scream (2/3)

Word Count: 1867 words

Warnings: dirty talk, dom!reader, jerk!dean, mentions of Sam, mentions of John W., mentions of parents, some angst, some fluff.

Author's note: Back by popular demand! Okay... So don't hate me at the end of this part ...I love you, naughties! Dolt expect too much from me my hand hurts (my poor finger).

   It took fourteen hours to stabilize Sam.


Those hours had trickled by so slowly that they could have been standing still.  Hours spent worrying as you and Dean been told to wait in a dimly lit hospital waiting room, having barely managed to get Sam into the impala and get him here hours before.

  Dean was currently a mess. You both were, but Dean wouldn't stop pacing, his bright eyes searching the room as he shook his head disgustedly.

   "I should have been there," he says in a pained voice and you snap your head towards him.

  "Dean-" you begin. This is the third time this hour he has said something like this. First it was 'it should've been me', then it was 'he shouldn't of been alone'. "We couldn't have prevented this. Sam will be fine. He always is and-"

   "-Y/n," he cuts you off roughly, "just stop,okay? I don't need to hear the whole 'sympathetic, I think I have to be your shoulder to cry on because we played tonsil hockey' speech." Dean snarls and throws his hands up in the air, "that's my little brother in there. In the ICU, hurt. Because I was trying to get tail and wasn't there to protect him. This is on me. So spare me 'oh I mean something to him so let me just comfort him.' Get over yourself!"

  You flinch back at his words. How dare he? Firstly, hadn't he accused you of sleeping with Sam earlier? Hadn't he said he hadn't wanted anyone else but you? Now you were just a knot on his bed post? You couldn't believe how stupid you were to believe Dean had wanted you.

  You felt a sharp sting in your chest, and the familiar feeling of tears in your eyes. Shaking your head slightly,and taking a couple of calming breaths you right yourself.

You could do this.

Rejection was a part of life, and although you really were worried for Sam: you options were clear, either leave the hospital right now and let the Winchester's handle their own, or deal with what's in front of you because they were your friends.

  Dean had already gone back to pacing the room while you mulled over his hateful words, but he completely submerged again in his own self loathing.

  Let him. Let him worry and work himself up.  You shook your head to clear your thoughts. He's just lashing out, he doesn't mean it.  You weren't that cruel. You couldn't leave Dean or anyone while their loved one is hurting. It wasn't how you were raised.

  You cleared your throat. "Dean Winchester,  Sam will be just fine. You need to sit down and relax before I really get angry."

Dean swung around to you again, opening his mouth to no doubt say something vicious, but you hold up your hand.

"Boy-if you know what's good for you. You'll do what I say and sit the hell down," you say sternly and point to the chair beside you.

  Dean's face fell and he blew out a long breath, but he sat down. You couldn't bring yourself to care so much that he was angry at you because running a rut in the floor or yelling in the waiting room was exactly opposite of what he should be doing.

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