The Devil's in the Details (Crowley)

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   Full title: The Devil's in the Details

Warnings: light dom!Crowley, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap naughties), light dirty talk, light fluff, and smut.

Word count: 4415 words (Jesus Christ I am so sorry. It's so long,but great but took forever.)

You had been riding through backroads in your daddy's old pickup jamming to some old rock song whose lyrics you barely knew, when you saw a girl walk from the shadows towads the middle of the crossroads. Upon further inspection, she was carrying a box, and she was heading to the exact center of the crossing.

   Fuck. That was your first thought, after putting two and two together. You managed to stop your pickup,and hop out in a dash, running toward the girl as fast you could, hoping to get to her before she succeeding in what she was attempting.

  Reaching her right before she covered the box,you tackled her, the action sending both of you tumbling through the dust, dirt, and rocks. Once you'd landed in a cloud of dust,you were huffing out courses and muttering about new bruises.

"Dude, what in the hell ?" the girl beside you on the ground screeched, sitting up.

  "Do you have any idea what you were about to get into ya, idjit?" you shot back, annoyed.

  The girl's eyes narrowed as she glarred at you. "I don't recall asking your permission, mommy. I need to make this deal!"

"First of all, you ain't smart enough for me to be your mommy. Second of all, you need to get your arse outta here 'fore you wind up in a bad situation. And third, name's Singer. Y/n Singer."

  "B-but m-my boyfriend's going to leave me if I don't do something!" she cried back at you, throwing her hands in the air dramatically.

You sigh and get up, pulling her with you. Truly looking at the girl in front of you, you paused. Short, with a bobbed-blonde head and blue eyes filled with tears. It was then you realized she, like a lot of others felt she needed this deal to keep something she cared about,that the only solution was something supernatural.

Completely disregarding  the fact she would only live ten more years, then her soul would be torn from her body by the vicious claws of a hellhound, and she would spend all of eternity in the pit of fire, there was still a chance the deal would go sour.

Demons weren't exactly known for being truthful. Even if a crossroads demon couldn't back out of a deal,it never meant something else wouldn't happen.

But still to risk your eternity for someone like that, she must really care.

  "Look, ah-" you begin not sure how to make her understand.

  "My name is Emilee," she pouts.

You nod. "Okay. Emilee, this deal isn't for you. This boy may leave you,but believe me there are more and far better men out there. He is not worth selling your soul with a minimal ten years to enjoy something you trick him into,"You said as the sadness in her eyes deepened. "And,"you continued, "Demons are tricky rat bastards. There's no telling how this deal of yours would have played out."

  Finally, Emilee sighs, becoming less tense. "You're right. This was stupid." She looks up to you and smiles, "Thanks."

  You were about to reply when you heard a slow, sarcastic clapping. Whipping around, pulling Emilee behind you defensively you starred at the area of darkness from which the clapping came from.

   "Well done, Y/n. I have say, if everyone were as good with words as you are, I would never lose a contract," came a voice that sounded like whiskey burned honey over a scottish tongue.

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