Strip Me Down (Crowley x Reader)

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pairing: Crowley x Reader

Warnings: pole dancing, oral (reader receiving)

Summary: Y/n and Crowley have been dancing past each other for sometime. And now Crowley has had it with her teasing.

Author's note: I'm back guys! Who missed me! Let me know what you think, and I should have another segment of The King's Omega out tonight, much love! 💖 and thank you for the patience!!

Crowley had never really been one for strippers. Prostitutes? Maybe. Strippers? No. And that reasoning was quite simple in his eyes even after all these years of advancement in fancy pole tricks and teeny outfits.

A prostitute delivers, a stripper is a tease.

And Crowley hated being teased. He found the whole teasing thing completely idiotic. Hell, it wasn't as if he was trying to court anyone- nor would he ever fancy someone like that again. So why tease? Why prelude animal instinct? Just give in and enjoy the turn about of mutual naked, groaning bodies in ecstasy.

Teasing to Crowley was like luring a hungry lion with a gazelle, only to never let him reach his elusive prey. No matter how the lion hunted or tried, what he hungered for was just directly out of reach.

And that's what you were, his gazelle, his meal- right in front of him,just out of touch of his fingertips. A meal he hungered for since he first saw you.

It had been an accident.

Those Winchester boys had needed his help with some sort of "Scooby-Doo" hunt, one in which he hadn't really bothered learning any of the details. It had lead them to The Cotton Tail, gentlemen's club, the night you were performing.

Walking into the dark lighting and blasting music, Crowley could have been anywhere else. Not Dean. That man was all over every bartender, girl walking around,whoever as soon they had hit the door.

Then Dean stopped in the middle of the floor, and leaned back to smack Crowley in the arm, "Um sorry," he quickly apologizes. "Check out center stage."

Crowley's eyes traveled upwards, interest peeking, and what he saw made him rethink his policy..

You had been working a double on the night you first met Crowley. It has been a long night with crappy payouts, but when you saw Crowley in that suit and so stiotic, you immediately saw cash.

Fancy men brought fist fulls of cash. Normally to get over whatever frigid office life they had, or whatever nagging wife..

As you tucked yourself around the pole again, you realized you were nearing the end of your routine. You needed to make a good impression on mystery man so you could make rent this month.

So catching his eyes in a daring way, you made sure to give it your all;rolling your body a little more sensually, cupping your breasts and pouting.

You see his eyebrow quirk in curiosity as you lick your lips, his lips quirk slightly as he regards you." That's right,Mr. suit, you like what you see," you think as your song ends and you slowly walk off stage.

But as soon as you were off the stage, Mr. Suit was not who approached you. It was some emerald eyed hustler.

"Hi. I'm Dean," he says with a playful smile and that 'I want to eat you up' look.

You slide your eyes past him and try to squeeze past him politely. "Not interested, sweetie. I've got a...prior engagement," you toss out easily.

"Hm." his face reads like he doesn't believe you, which you couldn't care less. "I'm much better, I can guarantee," he tries again, just as sweet and flirty as before.

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