I Think I'm In Love (Claudois)

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Time's been ticking, hearts are running,
Think that Cupid's up to something.
You asked me how I feel, I say nothing...

"Do you care for me, Claude?" Alois whispered, looking up at his butler. "Do you care in the way that I care for you?" His heart was beating faster than usual as he asked this. Of course, he expected no answer, and Claude never gave one. Instead, Claude simply pushed up his glasses. Alois sighed. Why did he even bother anymore?

Claude turned away from Alois. He didn't know why such an unimportant, irrelevant and stupid question bothered him so much, but it did. Not in the sense that he was repulsed or angry, but more along the lines of... Intrigued. Maybe even slightly flustered. Nevertheless, he just couldn't answer.

But lately color seems so bright,
And the stars light up the night,
My feet they feel so light,
I'm ignoring all the signs!

Night had fallen. Alois smiled. After an hour in the garden, he'd only just finished making a flower crown for his beloved Claude.

Well, not that he was his just yet, Alois was still working on that. However, hopefully Claude would see the time, care and effort that went into weaving the delicate thing.

"Claude!" Alois smiled up at him as the demon walked over to his side. "I made you something!"

Claude raised an eyebrow. "Really, now?"

Alois nodded. He sprung up and placed it onto Claude's head. "There!"

Claude looked up at Alois' creation. "...A flower crown."


"Your highness, why would you spend your time on something so ridiculous?" He took it off and walked away.

Alois' face fell. "...Maybe it just wasn't good enough..." The blonde boy closed his eyes. He reopened them with a determined nod. "I'll just need to make another one, and this time, it'll be even better!"

As Claude walked away, he heard this. A slight smile made his way onto his face. He looked down at the flower crown dangling in his hand. The colours would go beautifully as a decoration against his bedroom wall.

I keep on fronting, yeah, I stay bluffing,
I keep you wondering,
Keep you hunting for my loving.

"Claude, stay here with me tonight. It's dark, and I don't want to be alone...!" Alois whimpered. The butler closed his eyes and adjusted his glasses.

"Very well, your highness." Claude sat on the edge of Alois' bed. Hopefully, just knowing that Claude was there would be enough for the young earl.

"Claude! Come lay here, beside me!" Of course it wasn't. Since Claude couldn't say no to his master, he removed his shoes and coat and lay beside Alois.

Knowing that this was all he'd get, Alois snuggled up beside him.

Said demon moved away slightly. Alois frowned. "Claude...?"

But I crave us hugging.

The butler sighed. He moved back to where he was, closer, even. Claude then wrapped his arms around Alois and pulled him close.

Alois blushed a little, but smiled widely. "Thank you..."

Yet I stay stubborn.
Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings,
And know just how to tug them!

Alois was being difficult that morning. Claude sighed angrily as he had a shirt flung into his face. "Your highness, please. It is rather difficult to dress you when you insist on removing your clothes like this."

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