Warmth (Claudois)

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CatrineKittyCat Happy birthday! :3 I hope this is fluffy enough. Sorry it's rather short.


Claude looked out the window. He gazed at the large snowflakes as they fell quickly to the ground, covering everything in white. He frowned a little. Alois had been outside for a while, he'd be freezing. Maybe he should go and get him to come back inside, before he got sick.

Just as Claude reached the door to the garden, it swung open. Alois stepped inside, shivering and wet. His hair and jacket were littered with flakes of snow, beginning to melt. Alois' cheeks and nose were rosy with the cold, and he clutched onto the sides of his jacket, pulling them closer in an attempt to warm himself up.

Claude shut the door for him, stopping snow from blowing inside any more than it already had, and keeping the warmth inside the manor. He then began to make his way to the door which he'd previously entered from.

Alois grabbed onto Claude's arm. "Where are you going...?"

Claude turned to face him. "I'll be back in a moment, I'm just going to get something for you."

Alois nodded, and hesitantly let go of Claude, who then left. He stood and waited for him to come back, like he said he would.

Claude went to a few of the guest bedrooms, and gathered some blankets and pillows. He then found a room that had a fireplace that had been lit in it, and dumped everything he'd collected in the middle of the room. Claude then returned to Alois.

Alois had taken off his boots, which were now resting up against a wall next to the door. Claude went over to him and took off his wet jacket, folding it up and placing it neatly beside his shoes.

Alois watched him, not bothering to question what he was doing. Claude always knew what was best, and he trusted him completely.

Claude then picked Alois up, and walked out again. Alois leant into him, wrapping his arms around Claude. He was surprisingly warm today. Claude had told him once that the warmer a demon was, the happier they were. That meant that Claude was happy, which made Alois smile a bit.

Claude took Alois to the room with the fireplace, pillows and blankets. He set him down for a moment, and walked over to everything. He arranged the pillows and a few of the blankets like a sort of nest.

He walked back over to Alois, who looked up at him. Claude picked him up again, and walked over to the nest of blankets and pillows. He sat down in the middle of it. Then, Claude took a couple of blanket and wrapped it around himself and Alois, bundling Alois up in an extra one. He pulled Alois close to him in his lap.

Alois blushed a bit. He smiled, and nestled deeper into the blankets, nuzzling into Claude.

Claude kissed Alois, who happily kissed back, blushing even more. He then pulled away.

Alois then yawned. Being warm and with Claude made him rather tired, although he didn't want to sleep. He closed his eyes. "I love you, Claude..."

Claude smiled a bit. "I love you, too."

After a little while, Alois drifted off in Claude's arms, content. He must've been sleepy from being outside so long. Claude looked at him, and kissed his forehead. He then closed his eyes himself.

It was incredibly hard to believe that there'd been a time when he hadn't cared so much about Alois, especially now, in that moment, when all he felt towards Alois was love and adoration. He wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


I'm not good at ending things, so I suppose I'll leave that there. XD Again, happy birthday CatrineKittyCat !

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