Cantarella (SebaCiel OR Claudois)

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A.N: This can be read as either SebaCiel or Claudois. It was a quick thing I wrote on the bus when we were stuck in traffic, and I remembered that I needed to update (I'm (trying) to write something that's pretty feelsy and it isn't really working XD). A lot of things won't make sense, and I apologise for that.

To clear up any possible confusion of characters, when I refer to 'He' it's either Ciel or Alois (depending on how you choose to read it)
When I refer to 'His lover' or 'His demon' it's either Sebastian or Claude (again, depending on how it's read)

A web of lies. A sickening truth. A fantasy world, where it's only the two of them.

The sound of a violin in the distance, erratic and haunting, and the chords of a piano, soft and sweet, but equally as evil. A voice, almost drowned out by the music.

Footsteps, pitter pattering against a marble floor. Two figures, joining hands and gliding smoothly across the room, a full moon shining its light through a glass ceiling.

Tears falling to the ground as he danced to their melody, looking up at his smirking lover. This may be the last time they were ever together as a couple. They may well see each other several times again, but he'd most likely be forced into an unwanted marriage by then. Besides, a demon and a human? A male with another male?

It was only the two of them in this beautiful world they'd created, and that was how it was supposed to stay. And it would, for that night. Their night of sinful passion and love, with nothing to come between them. If only it could last forever. They'd stay unseen by the rest of the world, dancing until their feet ached and their head spun from twirling.

Alas, that just wasn't how it worked. They had to stay a secret, and they had to keep that secret for as long as their hearts beat as one, and their lives continued the way they did.

If only their love was accepted. Once upon a time, it would've been. Of course, that time had obviously passed. Now, it was forbidden to even think about such horrors.

The music grew louder, the singing becoming no more than a distant whisper.

He felt a hand cup his cheek, and wipe his tears away. They'd stopped. He looked up at his lover's concerned face.

"Please... Never cry. I hate it when you're upset."

He let a few more tears fall. "I don't want to leave you."

His lover smiled sadly. "It's the way it has to be... If I could have it my way, I'd never let you go."

He leant into his demon, the last of his tears escaping. He felt strong arms envelop him in an embrace that he never wanted to escape.

They began their dance again, this time, much more intimate and loving. They clutched onto each other desperately, as if when they let go the other would disappear, and they'd be all alone forever.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The rest of the night went by like a blur, but they could recall every detail. The scents, the sights, the emotions... They'd become unbearable. They'd had to give in.

It was nearly dawn. They were saying the goodbyes that neither of them wanted to say.

"Farewell... I'll see you again, right?" He asked desperately, not wanting to remember that they could never be together again.

His lover nodded slowly. "Of course... Of course you will."

He turned away, about to start walking, as his demon had an idea.

He was suddenly pulled close to his lover. He looked up, slightly confused, but happy to be in his arms. He heard a whisper in his ear.

"Run away with me."

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