Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Amelia’s POV

2 Months Later...

“Carol, I’m going out with Lucy, I’ll be back by 6 tonight!” I shouted to Aunt Carol.

I walked out the door and Lucy was waiting for me in her car.

“Hey Amy!” she said as I opened the door and got in the car.

“Cinema?” I asked her.

“Sure thing babe!”

Lucy put the radio on and What Makes You Beautiful came on, Lucy doesn’t know anything about the boys, I think she knows who they are, but she doesn’t know we’re related, or anything about me and Harry.

I met Lucy on my first day at the new school here, I was assigned the seat next to her, and we just became friends from there, I’m also close to her other two friends, Olivia and Katy. Since I left from the boys, I’ve been down to visit them once, and Louis came to visit last week, I really miss them, especially Louis and Harry, but I’m enjoying life here with my new friends.

Lucy was singing along when she suddenly said,

“This is that One Direction band isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I think it is!” I responded, “Why?”

“I saw a magazine interview with them in last week; they’re pretty hot aren’t they?” she told me.

“Yeah, I’ve seen a few photos; I think some of them are!” I lied; I’m a really bad liar, so I hope she didn’t notice.

She nodded and thankfully didn’t notice I was lying and she continued singing along. We soon got to the cinema and went to see some chick flick.

“See you later Amy!” Lucy called to me and I waved goodbye.

I got back home and walked into the sitting room, Aunt Carol was sat there and she looks worried,

“Sweetie, I’ve just had a phone call with social services, you’re allowed to go back to Louis and he’ll be your legal guardian!” She told me, smiling, “we’re going to miss you Amy, but I’m so happy for you two!”

I smiled and hugged her, “Thank you so much Carol, you’re the best!”

“Louis is coming to pick you up next week, so you can say bye to your friends and pack your things!”


2 Weeks Later...

I’m back in London, I’ve never been so happy to be with the boys, me and Harry are getting on great, and I’ve been spending time with all the boys, I didn’t notice how much I missed them until now.

It’s early Saturday morning and I have to be at dance practice in an hour, and I can hear arguing downstairs. I listened over the banister to who it was; I heard Zayn and Louis,


“Louis, calm down, Amy will hear you!” I heard Zayn respond, “Listen, mate, Courtney just came here and we had too much to drink and she forced herself on me.”


I ran downstairs and went straight to Louis, he but his arms round me and engulfed me in a bear hug.

“How much of that did you hear Amy?” he asked me.

“Most of it, but calm down Louis, Zayn and Becca broke up, there’s nothing wrong with him sleeping with her.” I told him, trying to calm him down.

“Yeah, I know that, but we generally tell each other if we have someone round and, well, Courtney has been causing trouble for us for a while now, so I don’t want her in this house.” He told me.

“Okay, well be quieter you two you must’ve woken the whole house up!”

I ran back up to my room and knocked on Harry and Louis’ door,

“COME IN!” Harry shouted, I opened the door and went inside, “Oh hey, morning beautiful!” Harry told me, and I blushed, “You look cute when you blush!”

“Shush you! I’m going to dance practice, but I should be back by lunch, do you want to do something then?” I asked him, walking over to sit on his bed.

“Yeah course, the boys are going out, so do you want to stay in and watch a movie or something?”He asked me.

“Yeah sound good, see you later!” I said walking over and pecking him on the lips.

I put my trackies and vest top on and went to dance practice, I’ve always wanted to be a dancer, ever since I was 6 years old, and so I loved going to dance practice. I have applied to go to a dance school next year, in London, so I could stay with the boys, and go on tour with them as one of their dancers.

After dance I returned home to find an empty house, I sighed and went and got in the shower. I got out and put on my shorts and tights and shirt. I walked downstairs hearing voices, I walked in the kitchen to find Kyle, my ex boyfriend, and Louis.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” I asked Louis.

“I was just leaving when he knocked on the door, he wanted to apologize to you, and I said you would be home soon, so he stayed and we’ve just been catching up!” Louis told me smiling, I was worried, because Kyle could make anybody like him, and he was very charming and good looking.

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone and I’ll be heading off!” Louis said.

I shook my head at him but he didn’t notice and left. I turned to Kyle and warned him, “Harry will be home any minute, so don’t try anything.”

“What? You mean you’re boyfriend, who I texted, from your phone to tell him that you’ll meet him at the dance studio?” He responded and I gulped.

He walked closer to me and began to kiss me, I kept my lips shut and would let him in, his lips left mine and he began to kiss down my neck. I clung on to the side of the counter, thinking I need to get out of here. He put his hands on my lower back and picked me up; I struggled to get out of his grasp as he took me up to my bedroom. He laid me down and got a syringe out of his pocket, he straddled me, so however much I tried and I couldn’t get free.

“NO PLEASE KYLE DONT, NO PLEASE, I’LL DO ANYTHING!” I screamed as he injected me.

Author’s Note:

Right, before anybody complains, I know I haven’t updated in like forever and I’m really sorry, but my laptop’s been broken and internet has been broken so please forgive me J

Also, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment, because it makes me so happy to get comment and it always makes me want to upload more.

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