New Member Of The Host Club

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I grabbed my back from the employees changing room after I changed out of my work clothes. I didn't end up going to school since I got a call from the music store. They needed a replacement as the original employee called in sick at a late notice. I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, 6:30pm. I still have another shift at the dance studio, I teach the intimediate and senior hip hop and contemporary classes, sometimes the acro classes but that's rare. Tonight it's the senior contemporary class. I stepped out of the music store, said goodbye to the manager and headed down the street. I hugged my hoodie jacket closer to my body in an attempt to trap the heat in. It's surprising how cold the nights get here. I pulled my hoodie over my head and lowered my eyes. I still have half an hour until the class starts and it takes me twenty minutes to walk there.

I heard laughter and bickering further up the street behind me. Curiosity took over and I glanced behind me. It was the host club, why the hell are they out here? This area was market section of town, normally it's deserted at night but some people come to get the leftovers of sales since they would be cheaper. Stalls would be desperate to sell their products especially if its produce as it spoils quickly. Haruhi was in the centre of the job, harassed by the twins and Tamaki. The host club most be heading to the stalls for Haruhi. Honey was sitting on top of Mori's shoulders while clutching his toy bunny and Kyoya was still holding that black death note* (Death Note reference, I just had to, sorry!) of his. It's still creepy, what does he write in there. Mori turned his head to me, but my face was hidden by my hoodie and the lighting so I doubt he knows it's me. I casually continued to walk down the street while a sinking feeling settled down in my stomach. I tuned back to see the host club following me ten metres behind. I shake it off but quickened my pace. I looked back again and saw that they were catching up. 'Ok this is getting creepy now' I thought as I practically ran to the dance studio.

Finally I reached the dance studio as I slowed down. I stopped in front of the entrance and looked up the street. The host club were gone, maybe it was just a big coincidence. I walked into the building and went straight to the changing rooms. Since I teach regularly I didn't need to sign in. I changed into my dance clothes; a singlet under a loose crop top, completed with bike shorts. I still had 10 minutes until class started so I decided to warm up and run through the routine. I walked out of the changing rooms to see Kyoya charming the receptionist. I sweat dropped and tried to sneak past however I bumped into someone's chest. An arm snaked around my waist to support me resulting in me being pressed even more into firm chest. I looked up to see that I had bumped into Mori, realising that I was locked in place I tried to pry myself off of him, failing miserably. The others finally noticed I was there when Honey exclaimed "Y/N-Chan, so you were here!"
The others sweat dropped when they saw my position with Mori, I finally managed to break his grip and recovered myself. I glanced at his reaction, typical no reaction so far.
"What are you doing here?" I firmly asked them.
"We thought we saw you walking down the street so we decided to follow you, we want to know more about you. Besides you didn't come to school today." Tamaki pouted as he spoke the last part.
"Y/N are these some of your friends?" The receptionist, Camille, butted in.
I simply nodded, about to speak but I was cut off by Camille again. "That's great, you can stay and watch Y/N's next class if you want. She is such a great dancer especially if you consider the fact that she stopped for five years." Camille was sparkling at this point, she looked dreamily at the boys in front of her.
I mentally facepalmed, she revealed too much information and she has been hypnotised by the hosts. Haruhi stood beside me and reassuringly put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, they are always like this. You'll get used to it after a while."
I looked at her curious eyes, it's not like I'll be hanging around them right? I suddenly felt a shiver race down my spine. I turned to the others and gestured to the room. There were chairs leaning against the left wall, it was soon occupied by the host club. I did my reagular warm up routine while music blasting from the speakers. Once I was warmed up I let the students in and let them stretch. I focused on finding the music and running the dance in my mind. I put on the song, Wake me up by ... The students instinctively moved to sit down in front of ten mirror. I quickly assumed the beginning position and took a deep breath.
"This is the dance that we will be focusing on for this month."

(Youtube video link, I do not own the video, dance or music)

I out my whole heart and soul into the dance. Once I finished I heard clapping from the left, the host club was clapping and cheering, I shot them a glare telling them to be quiet. They immediately shut up. I continued with the class, drilling the dance into their memories. I was strict however not military strict.

At the end of class I had a towel wrapped around my neck and I was chugging water. Tamaki slid his arm over my shoulders. "We wanted to ask you this, would you like to join the host club?" He lifted my chin so that I was forced to see his face.
I looked at him in disbelief, I shrugged off his arm and countered in a monotone voice, "And why would I do that?" His chin dropped at my words.
"Don't you want to be in a club with us?" Honey whimpered, bringing my attention down next to me.
Honey was hugging my leg, I'm weak to kids. I ruffled his blonde hair and sighed "It's not like I hate you, I barely know you. Even if I did want to it will be tough to handle with school, the club and work." I pulled him off me and turned to Tamaki, "So I am going to have to decline your offer. Sorry Tamaki and Honey".
Kyoya pushed up his glasses, the glint hiding his eyes. "You are aware that jobs are forbidden by Ouran High School rules, am I correct?" I knew where this is going, I simply nodded.
"Then we would be willing to overlook this 'defiance' if you were to join the Host Club-"
Tamaki cuts in "A lot of girls have been requesting you!"
"As I have explained before I don't have time for a club"        
Kyoya had a slight confident smirk on his face, "Then you don't mind if we notify the principal of this as Tamaki is his son. You will be expelled of course."
"I'd rather avoid that however if I have to I will sacrifice the scholarship."
The twins spoke up simultaneously, "Is this job really worth it"
"Of course, without this I would still be living on the streets."
"What do-"The other twin completed the question, "you mean?".
I realised that I spoke too much. I shook my head, dismissing their question and continued packing up my stuff.
"What if we expose your true gender," Kyoya interjected.
I stiffened at his words, they can't know, could they? I looked down to see that I'm in 'girl' clothes. I groaned, they had to catch me in these clothes. I glanced at the group to see them pulling off their puppy dog eyes, Honey's was very convincing. I can't let anyone find out I'm a girl or else that organization will be one step closer to finding me. I groaned again and ruffled my hair in frustration.
"Fine, BUT you must never, and I mean NEVER tell anyone that I'm a girl. Got it?" I glared at them, venom laced my voice. Everyone shrunk back excluding Mori and Kyoya. Honey recovered the quickest and quickly jumped up and spun me around. I ruffled his hair again like I would for a little kid.
"You do realise that Honey-sempai and Mori-sempai are third years, Tamaki-sempai and Kyoya-sempai are second year right?" The twins cut in.
WHAT!!!! How was Honey-sempai older than me, I mean look at him. He looks like a middle schooler. "I guess I should start calling you sempai's now huh?" I scratched the back of my head.
I really needed to leave now as I have a ton of school work to catch up on. I walked out of the studio waving back at them without facing them. This is going to be a long three years.

~Time skip~
I was laying down on my bed, moonlight snuck through my thin curtains. I laid there staring at the shadows dancing across the ceiling. My mind raced through my years as a lab rat. Memories of my twin brother and me dancing and singing when the guards weren't looking. Those were the only things keeping us sane including each other's presence. Dominik always managed to calm me down, but now he's gone. Every time I look in the mirror I see his face after all we are identical twins, just opposite genders. I felt tears threatening to break through, I put my arm over my eyes in an attempt to stop them. I turned to face the wall, I should go to sleep now. Maybe I will visit him tomorrow. I made a mental note to purchase black roses if I was going to visit my family. I know they are expensive but it's worth it. I don't mind living like this. It's one step higher than living in the streets. I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

I apologize if I didn't get the host club members right, this is my first fanfiction so if you are going to be harsh then can you tell me how to improve! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter coming out tonight.

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