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Forty | The Switch To Humanity

Oxygen immersed itself into my lungs, causing a small gasp to escape my lips. They felt dry, and my body ached. I slowly opened my eyes, groaning at the brightness coming from infront of me. I pressed my hands against the cold, concrete ground I was laying on and pushed myself into a sitting position. I scanned around, noticing I was in the Salvatore cellar.

"And she's alive." A voice spoke. I looked up to see Damon peering at me from outside of the cell door.

"Sadly, so are you." I groaned, standing up.

"And her tongue is still as sharp as ever." Damon responded before his expression turned to somewhat concern, "You've been unconcious for an entire day, thought you'd gone to the Other Side."

I had a huge hunger groaning in my stomach. I needed blood, "Let me out, Damon."

"Not until you learn to control your blood lust and turn your humanity back on." He replied.


"Well, have fun desiccating in your new room." Damon replied, with a small grin.

I walked to the cell door and gripped the bars of the small window, my hands began to burn. I pulled them away, screaming in pain. They'd vervained them. I gritted my teeth, "You'll regret this."

"So kill me." He tutted, "Oh, you can't."

"Damon!" I yelled as he walked away. I vamp ran at the door several times, slamming my body against it, making it bang loudly. I eventually gave up and sat against the wall.

I sat there for at least an hour just thinking.

It was becoming harder to breathe because of how hungry I was. It felt like my veins were sandpaper rubbing together. I found a stone on the floor and started scraping it against the wall, hoping it would drown out or distract the cravings.

"Hello, little Ripper." A voice said.

I let the stone drop to the floor, "Klaus."

"Are you not even going to look at me, love?" He asked from outside of the cell.

"I think I've seen enough of your face." I said.

"Ooh, feisty. Not even if I let you out of here?" He questioned.

I glanced over at him, standing up, "Why would you do that?"

"Because I'm reckless. A rebel. A maniac -- "

I interupted, "Or because you want something."

"You know me too well." He grinned.

I crossed my arms, "Actually I don't know you at all because you're keeping things from me."

"Lets get you out of here, but no killings," Klaus ordered, before a small smirk appeared on his lips, "unless necessary." 

"Aw." I sarcastically pouted, "Are you afraid I'll beat your high score?"

I saw the corner of his mouth start to pull into a smirk at my comment before he quickly let it drop, "I'm being serious, Cassie."

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