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Forty-Nine | Gone Too Soon

I made my way out of a room that was once Rebekah's, but she had her own house now. I didn't live in the Mikaelson mansion, but I also didn't really live at the boarding house anymore, so I just claimed it as mine to stay in.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a mug from the cupboard and started making coffee.

I turned the radio on and a pop song started playing. I poured hot water into the mug of coffee mix and danced over to the fridge. I wiggled my hips and stuck my hand in the air as I started singing loudly into the milk bottle and took it over to my mug.

I poured milk into the mixture and picked the mug up. I turned around before instantly jumping in fright at a figure, making some of the coffee spill out the top of the mug.

"Jesus, Klaus!" I gasped. He was leant against the door frame, grinning in amusement.

I placed the mug down on the surface and rubbed my hand against the patch of coffee that had spilt on my top. I switched the radio off.

"Don't stop dancing on my account." He smirked, "I rather enjoyed it."

"I was, uh, just getting coffee." I said. I tilted my head slightly, intrigued, "So, you like dancing?"

"Oh, you should of seen me in the 20s." He said with a smile.

I lightly smiled and then it dropped, "Look, last night... It felt good but I can't forget what you've done and was going to do, Klaus."

His jaw clenched, "I understand."

"What you did for Tyler was good but you wouldn't have done it unless I told you to. You already killed his mother and all them hybrids, and you were going to kill my friends. And then you would have killed Tyler." I frowned.

"He hurt you and left you for dead." Klaus' eyebrows crushed together, "Of course I would have killed him."

"Maybe we aren't as a like as you thought." I exhaled.

"Well, I already let you in on some of my thoughts, so now it's your turn." He stated.

I ignored him and tried to walked around him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his body. I turned around, our faces now inches apart. I stared at those pretty, soft lips and wanted to feel them against mine. My eyes flickered up into his and I took my arm from his grasp.

I swallowed hard, "You need to stop doing that."

"Doing what?" He asked, his hot breath hitting my skin.

I stepped back before turning around and finally walking away. I couldn't let myself fall for him, we were the complete opposite and opposites don't attract, right?


I leant against the kitchen counter, watching Caroline constantly scrubbing at the burn marks on the Gilbert's kitchen floor. I handed her another cloth and took the old one from her hand. I threw it in the sink. She kept scrubbing harshly at the black area.

"Caroline, I don't think it's coming out." I sighed. The door opened and Elena walked in, "Hey, you're home."

I moved down the hallway to see Stefan walking in behind her, he was carrying Jeremy's body. I furrowed my brows and turned to Caroline, who stood up.

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