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Epilogue | Do I Follow My Head Or My Heart?

I sat in the hotel bar, staring into my bourbon. I tapped my finger against the side of the glass. This was my third hotel in a different city in nine days. I left Mystic Falls the night I said my 'see you soon's but I hadn't made it to New Orleans yet.

There were a few things that were holding me back from going. Things I needed to think about. Each time I pushed it out of my mind, it brought me closer to New Orleans. This was the final stop before I went for it, no turning back so I had to make a list of problems with going to New Orleans. I needed to know if I was making a mistake or not.

Number one on my list of problems was Elijah:

     He compelled me to fall in love with him because he was in love with my doppelgänger. I forgave him because he understood everything he had done wrong but I can't forget what he did. Which made our relationship difficult because I thought I was in love with him and the entire thing was a lie. My feelings for him were never real.

    The letter he wrote explained he fell in love with me for me. But it is so difficult to believe something like that after everything that he did. Messing with my mind was not cool at all, controlling people is wrong, I hated it. Another thing was Elijah didn't know about Kol and I having sexual relations and now I was coming all the way to New Orleans because I was falling for Klaus. There was just no way for me to tell him. And we hadn't even spoken about us properly let alone his brothers.

Problem number two, Hayley:

     She was pregnant with Klaus' child. I visited New Orleans around a month ago which meant she must be atleast two to three months pregnant. Klaus had obviously stayed in New Orleans to protect his child from harm, which I understand. But if I go, I will have to see her stomach that is holding a child. Something I have wanted for as long as I can remember.

    I wasn't mad at either of them for sleeping together, I was over that. I was just mad at the fact Klaus could say he cared for me, kiss me and then get with her in an instant. But I guess this was happening and I cared for Klaus so I will for his child. Besides, it isn't the kids fault.

Number three, home and Stefan:

     Mystic Falls was where I was born. I grew up there. I met Stefan and Damon there and now all of my friends lived there. It had been nine entire days since I had left and I feel like I'm missing out on things. I mean Elena, Caroline and Bonnie were going to go to college. Damon and Elena were together. Tyler had returned back to Mystic Falls. Matt had gone travelling and it all sounded very fun. I mostly got texts from them all but Caroline was the one who called most, trying to fill me in on everything but she would get far too excited about Tyler's return. I missed them all a lot.

But Stefan. He hadn't returned any calls or texts. I couldn't tell if he was having far too much fun travelling, he hasn't got any signal or something bad happened to him. I was praying for one of the first two because I couldn't bare the thought of losing him. I knew I would miss them all but you never realise how much until you actually leave. That was the main reason for me to turn back and head to Mystic Falls instead but...

There was a fourth, it wasn't a problem, it was actually the only reason for me to go to New Orleans. And that was, Klaus:

    It was difficult to explain why I felt the way I do about Klaus. Mostly because before I got my memories back, he did everything he could to do what he wanted for himself. He killed Elena for the sacrifice, along with Jenna, Jules and injured a whole lot of others. When I got most of my memories back, I still hated him because Elijah held back memories of what happened aswell so I didn't get the entire three years back and I still haven't. Its so difficult to see the good in people when they only want to show everyone the bad.

But there are so many things about Klaus that make me like him and care for him. Like the details he remembers about me. He saved my life. I didn't like the fact that he said he would have killed Tyler for what he did to me but a part of me was happy that he cared so much. I like seeing the side of him that loves his family, that paints his feelings, that dances because he liked seeing me the dress he gave me. He kept me safe when I lost control of my blood lust. He protected me.

With Kol, I made myself believe that I was falling for him because he came into my life at a confusing point. Elijah had just returned but was acting odd about it but Kol made me laugh, he made me happy and I mistook that for love. But with Klaus, it was completely different. It felt like I had when I was falling for Damon but twenty times stronger.

I think the most important thing was that he gave me back the necklace that Damon gave to me. Klaus knew it was important to me because Damon was not only my first love but my family, my safety net. And the fact that he decided to give it back to me, after the mess it caused with him and Elijah, meant a hell of a lot.

And then, I realised...

I had to go with my heart.

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