Blizzard (LawLu)

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It was fair to say that Law hated the snow. It was cold and wet, and just down right annoying. And Luffy just happened to want to visit his parents for Christmas while his was sleeting outside. Yes, it was sleeting, not snowing, and it wasn't sticking to the ground, but that didn't mean it wouldn't. The reasons for why they were driving was for one, all the flights were cancelled. Two, Luffy showed him the weather forecast online saying that it would mildly snow, but honestly Law didn't trust those fuckers. And three, Luffy's god damn puppy eye tactic. So here he was, driving four thousand miles to Billings, Montana. Two hours have already passed.

"How much longer?" The younger whined, wanting to move and stretch from his constricting seat.

Law sighed for the fourth time today. "You keep asking that I'm gonna kick you out is car."

"Shihihi, no you won't."

Which is true. If he tried a stunt like that, he'd have Luffy's whole family and his friends at his neck.

"We still have a couple more hours."

Luffy huffed as he looked up to the car roof. To pass the time, he turned on the radio, but when he did, all he could hear was static. He changed the station, which was the same thing as the previous one. The raven decided to turn it off.

"I'm booooored!" Luffy cried out with another huff.

Law took a second of his attention from the road to Luffy, a slight smirk on his face. "I'm annoyed, but you don't see me complaining."

"You just did." Luffy countered.


It was now five thirty in the afternoon when they left the gas station twenty minutes ago. Luffy was playing with his Nintendo DS that he forgot that he brought, with full power, which made him even more ecstatic that he had something to do.

Minutes have passed and the snow started to fall down more rapidly. Law turned the sweepers on its fastest speed, along with the lights so he could see. It did help for a while, but it got to the point where he couldn't see anything!

"I need to pullover." Law mumbled, but loud enough for the other to hear.

Luffy paused his game and looked over to him. "Huh, why?" He turned to the window and couldn't see much of anything but whiteness.

The tanned man pulled the car over to the side of the road. He turned up the heat then took out his cellphone from his coat pocket. Turning it on, his phone did a immediate message saying he only had one percent power left.

"Luffy-ya, hand me my bag."

Luffy bent down to grab the black duffle bag in front of his feet, and handed it to his lover. Opening the bag, the tattooed hands went through each pocket, even through his clothes, but he couldn't find his charger.

"Did you bring the charger?"

"I thought you brought it." Luffy replied, still looking at his game.

"Apparently I didn't since I'm asking." The twenty three year old countered. "Is your phone charged?"

"Uhhh..." The younger pulled out his cellphone from his pocket. He was quickly disappointed when he didn't have any bars. "No bars."

"Great, so we're stuck here till the storm pass."

"Oh..." Luffy looked back at his game then back to Law. "You wanna play Super Mario 3D Land?"

Law swiveled his head to his boyfriend with a glint in his eye.

"Did you just say Super Mario?"

Game motha fucking on!


For the first time of knowing Luffy, he was glad that he was a glutton. Thanks to that, they had enough food in the car to last them for a couple of days! That's only if he could keep the said guy from eating it up in just under twenty minutes.

"Laaaaawwww! I'm hungryyyyy!"

"Luffy-ya, we have no idea how long we're staying here, so we need to save it."

"Please, just one honey bun! I'm only asking for one!" Luffy pleaded. "I promise I won't ask for anymore."

"Right..." Like he would believe that.

Law began blocking out his persistent boyfriend's crying for food.

The snow outside was being blown harder, and the wind howled. Hopefully this blizzard would pass soon. The car only had half a tank left and running lower with the heat on. He cursed himself for cleaning out the trunk last week. He had some cover in there and he stupidly took it out, thinking he wasn't gonna use it. So much for being prepared.

The situation became worse when Luffy's game died and had nothing else better to do but pout and complain. Couldn't blame him though. Law was bored out of his mind too. Well, guess there was one thing they could do.

"Let's go to sleep." Law said, crawling to the back of the car where he could lay down and stretch his legs a little.

"But I'm not tired."

"Would you rather go to sleep or do nothing?"

"I rather eat!" Drool began to drip out of his mouth as he thought about eating.

"That wasn't an option." The eldest dryly replied. "Come on. I'm cold and I need some body heat."

Luffy groaned, but went ahead and climbed to the back with his lover. Laying down on top of him, he closed his eyes.


Law woke up when he felt something vibrate against his hip. He knew it was from Luffy's phone... wait, Luffy's phone is vibrating!?

The tanned man moved his hand to raven's pocket to pull out the iPhone. The name 'Ace' showed up, he immediately answered it.


"Where are you guys?! You was supposed to be here ten hours ago!"

"Yeah, well a blizzard came by and we had to pullover." Law looked out the window. It stopped snowing, but they couldn't go anywhere since the snow reached all the way to the bottom of the window! "It stopped snowing, but we're stuck."

"Ugh, okay, we'll come get you."

"Fine then, we're about..."

"Don't waist you're breath, there's a tracking device on Luffy's phone so we can find you guys easily."

A tracking device. That didn't seem hard to believe to Law.


Let's just say Law was a bit surprised when he Ace and Dragon come out of a snow plower truck. Now, rather they was renting it, borrowing it from a friend, or just had to money to owe one. He didn't bother asking them. He still felt like the odd one out of the family sometimes.

The two spent about eight minutes to dig most of the snow away from the car. Luffy was even more thankful. He was just happy about eating the rest of the food in one sitting. Law could only roll his eyes to that. But what else can you expect from him.

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