Chapter 5 - Who Gives an App?

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: The awesome cover art for this chapter was created by my wonderful friend, CorolineThePheonix. Isn't it beautiful?

*Author's Notes: Here's chapter 5 of 'Lost in the Fight' and this one is going to get very emotional.

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read, vote on, and comment on this story. I am very grateful for the positive feedback.

If you like this like story, please let me know. Votes and comments are appreciated. Thank you for reading. ;) CJ


Chapter 5 - Who Gives an App?

Things were falling apart, both figuratively and literally.

Donatello had already changed out the spark plugs on the Stealth Bike to no avail. The engine still wouldn't turn over.

The genius turtle groaned his disapproval as he dragged his uninjured forearm across his sweaty forehead.

Of course it couldn't be as easy as the spark plugs simply not firing . . .

He should have known better than to foolishly believe that the bike would be a quick fix.

In the back of his mind, he could hear his oldest brother's voice taunting him.

"You're supposed to be the smart one."

Exhaling so hard it hurt, Donnie did his best to ignore the demeaning voice in his head so that he could focus his attention on his latest project.

He had several working theories on what was wrong with the bike. Now that the spark plugs had been eliminated from the list of possible causes, he was leaning towards either ignition coil problems or carburetor troubles. From where he was standing, he could already see that the carburetors were pretty gummed up. Even if they weren't the source of the actual problem, they still could use a tear down and good cleaning.

Like I don't have enough to do as it is . . . He thought somewhat bitterly, trying not to dwell on the five hundred-plus other projects that he was currently neglecting.

Staring down at the decaying carburetors, Donnie realized that he would probably be better off trying to find new parts for the bike. This was something that Raph didn't have the patience for, but the genius turtle didn't feel as though he had much of a choice at this point. The carburetors had been fairly worn out when he had found them in the first place. Now, they were verging on non-salvageable. That was one of the major downsides of being forced to scavenge for parts in a junkyard. Most people didn't generally throw away the 'good' parts . . .

Donnie's next plan of action was to spray some cleaner into the air intake to see if the bike would start. This would help him to determine whether the issue was carburetor related or ignition related.

With no vigor in his step whatsoever, Donnie trudged back towards his workbench to search for a can of cleaner.

While rummaging around the cluttered bench, he came across the numerous bottles of motor oil that he had collected over the past few months and he sighed dejectedly. Instead of working on the Stealth Bike, he really should have been changing the oil on the Shellraiser, which was well overdue. Unfortunately, he had already told Raph that he would fix his bike and the last thing that Donnie wanted to do right now was give his brothers another reason to think less of him . . .

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