Chapter 18 - Too Much Information

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Here is chapter 18 of 'Lost in the Fight'  and it's another angst-filled one.

Thank you to everyone who has read, voted on, and commented on 'Lost in the Fight.' I really appreciate it.

I know I say this every chapter, but please continue to vote and/or comment on this story if you like it.  Thanks for reading. ;) CJ


Chapter 18 - Too Much Information

On silent paws, Master Splinter crept towards the couch that encircled the pit in the main room of the lair, doing his best to remain undetected.

If not for the pain in his heart, the sight of three out of his four young sons fast asleep on the recessed couch may have made him laugh. Especially since not one of them looked to be in a remotely comfortable position. In fact, Michelangelo was situated in such an awkward and precarious way, he looked to be defying all laws of gravity by somehow not falling off of the seat. His legs were propped up over the top of the couch and his head was draped down so low, it was nearly touching to floor.

Even in sleep, Michelangelo was the most hyperactive member of the family . . .

The humorous spectacle reminded Master Splinter of when his boys were just toddlers. Back then, whenever the four of them were scared of something or one of them was sick or hurt, they would always insist on sleeping in the same room together. Sometimes even on the same bed. Master Splinter had never been able to object to the temporary sleeping arrangements, thinking it was cute, as well as an excellent testament to the close bond his boys shared. It had pleased him that his sons felt safe and sound in each other's presence. It had also pleased him to know, that even at a young age, he had already ingrained in them a deep-rooted need to protect one another above all else.

It had been a very long time since Master Splinter had seen such a genuinely charming demonstration from his teenage sons. Now that the boys were older and not as innocent, such tender moments were few and far between. So when these rare moments did occur, the displays of affection would never fail to bring a smile to his much older face. At least not up until now. Just thinking about the reason that his sons were curled up together on the couch made smiling an impossibility. His boys were waiting for an update on their injured brother. Their injured brother who was presently lying in the infirmary fighting for his life.

Master Splinter dreaded having to tell his sons that their brother's condition was much worse than he had originally thought.

The wise old rat peered down at his three sleeping sons and his head was flooded with a tidal wave of mixed emotions that nearly capsized him. Mostly, he was overwhelmed by his intense fear for Donatello's life, but another part of him felt anger over what had transpired this fateful evening. Then, there was a part of him that was frustrated with his two oldest sons for clearly defying his distinct orders to go straight to bed after cleaning up.

He shook his head from side to side, internalizing a growl, so as not to wake his children.

He supposed it was a very small consolation that they had at least listened to the part about cleaning themselves up, but the fact that they had returned to the main room after cleansing, rather than going to their rooms, showed blatant disregard for his authority. On the other hand, he felt a humbling sense of pride that his two sons had the courage to stand up for what they believed in. They were willing to risk being punished for going against their master's direct orders, because their love for their brother was far stronger than their fear of being reprimanded for insubordination.

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