Chapter 30 - Take a Seat

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: I'm back with chapter 30 of 'Lost in the Fight' and this is one of my very favorite chapters in the story.

Before moving onto the chapter, I want to take a moment to apologize for my recent absence. I needed to take some unexpected time off due to personal reasons. I'm really sorry for making all of you wait so long for an update.

Thank you all so much for reading, voting on, and/or commenting on my stories. I am truly lucky to have so many wonderful friends and readers. *hugs*

I hope you like the chapter . . .


Chapter 30 - Take a Seat

"Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty," arose a voice that was far too chipper for Donatello's liking.

Funny, I don't remember requesting a wakeup call . . .

Pressing his eyelids together as tightly as possible and draping the crook of his unpinned arm over his face, the genius turtle let out a low moan in response. He had no desire to talk to whoever was trying to disturb what had been a reasonably peaceful slumber for once.

"Come on, Donnie. Time to get up!"

Again, the voice came out much jollier than Donnie could stand this early in the morning. At least he assumed it was early in the morning, since the individual so rudely intent on waking him up had started with 'rise and shine.'

Another moan emitted from the still sleepy turtle.

His tired and achy body was screaming out for more rest.


This time, the voice was serious and void of the bothersome cheer. All of a sudden, Leonardo sounded a lot more like his usual self.

Apparently, three straight weeks of allowing Donatello to sleep whenever he wanted to was where his family had decided to draw the line, and now, they were going to attempt to get him back on some sort of regular schedule. Perhaps this was their cruel form of revenge for all of the hard work and long hours that they had put in, constantly watching over him.

What goes around, comes around . . .

As Donnie finally cracked open his eyes, his mouth twisted into a grimace that revealed his genuine lack of enthusiasm over being woken up.

"Good morning, little brother."

Seeing the wide grin plastered on his oldest brother's face instantly washed away any crankiness Donatello might have been feeling inside. His big brother didn't grin like that nearly as often as he used to. Sometimes it seemed like Leo struggled to find a reason to be happy anymore.

I miss that grin . . .

"'Morning, Leo," Donnie mumbled in return. He then made the mistake of trying to stretch out his stiff muscles. His face creased into a wince of agony as every body part simultaneously protested the movement. Being laid out on a cot day and night for several weeks probably had something to do with that.

"'You okay, Donnie?" The concern now lacing Leonardo's voice was glaringly obvious. He had seen the telltale wince of pain from his wounded brother, so he already knew that Donnie was anything but okay, but Leo still felt compelled to ask the question nevertheless. He had always been a creature of habit.

"Yeah. Just a little sore is all." Donnie was quick to downplay his condition and force a phony smile, proving that he, too, was prone to habitual behavior.

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