Chapter 28 - A Happy Wife Means A Happy Life

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Chapter 28 - A Happy Wife Means A Happy Life

The next morning, Kelsey woke up with heaviness in her eyes. She must have cried a lot last night since she felt that her eyes were swollen. She slowly sat up but felt a weigh on her stomach, preventing her from fully sitting up. She glanced down and saw Chloe's head laying on her stomach.

Chloe was sleeping soundly with her mouth slightly agape. Kelsey leaned her back against the tower of pillows by her head and studied the little girl in front of her.

Kelsey swept the strands of hair that was covering Chloe's face and soothingly rubbed her head with her hand. Kelsey was completely fixated on Chloe's features that she didn't even realize that Mason was by the door leaning his body against the doorframe with his arms cross around his chest.

"She was crying last night and didn't want to sleep beside me. She said she wanted to sleep next to you." Mason spoke, earning Kelsey's attention. Kelsey smiled at the thought of Mason trying to soothe a crying Chloe. It must have been tough for him since he couldn't even catch her yesterday when they were playing around the penthouse.

Kelsey then realized that she must have been really tired yesterday since she didn't even noticed Chloe sleeping next to her. She didn't even know that she cried. "Are you feeling better?" Mason asked as he strolled towards the bed.

"Yeah, I guess I was just a bit emotional last night. Maybe I just miss my family." She reasoned out remembering her mother and her siblings. Mason sat by the foot of the bed and stared at Kelsey and Chloe. He didn't know what he was thinking but he really was desiring for a family the moment he watched Kelsey and Chloe last night and how they bonded.

"You'll be a great mother one day." Mason blurted out, causing Kelsey to stare at him weirdly. Mason mentally face-palmed himself and internally groaned. 'What am I thinking?!' He scolded at himself.

"Where did that come from?" Kelsey asked as a chuckle left her lips. She quickly shut her mouth when Chloe stirred on her stomach but went back to sleep. Kelsey sighed in relief and glanced back at Mason who was trying to avoid her eyes at all costs.

"Sorry, that just completely slipped out of my mouth." He mumbled but Kelsey heard it clearly.

Kelsey smiled. "It's fine. I'll take that as a compliment. I hope I do become a great mother one day. I wanna make sure that my child would feel all the love that I can give."

Mason was stunned by her response and he couldn't help but feel more attracted towards her. He knew he was in a dangerous spot since falling in love were not in his vocabulary. "Child? Not children?" Mason questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Why? How many children should I have?"

"Well, I was thinking, maybe three. That's a good number, no? One would look exactly like me, one would look like you, and the other one would have both of our features. They'll have the best genes in the world." Mason said earning a quiet laugh from Kelsey. He couldn't help but let the grin passed his lips. Her smile was completely contagious.

Mason wasn't thinking at all when he had said it. But the more he spent time with Kelsey, the more he was drawn to her. It was as if she had opened his mind and his heart to the new feelings he didn't want to experience before. But the wall he had built around his heart was starting to crumble.

"You want three? Do you think I can manage that? Child labour is not an easy thing to do." Kelsey replied and Mason couldn't help but picture a pregnant Kelsey walking around the house barefooted.

Mason smiled at the image. "Don't worry, I'll be here to help you out. You're not gonna go through a pregnancy alone." He assured her and that was the last straw for Kelsey. Mason just knew how to melt her heart and make her giddy. She knew she was falling in love with him. She was having this very strong feeling for him and it was putting her heart on the danger line.

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