Chapter 3 - Interview

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Chapter 3

The next day, Mason was once again sitting on his office chair and looked through the pile of résumés. He separated the files from men to women then from women to gorgeous women. When he had three résumés in his hand, he called Nina in.

"Nina, I want an interview with these three. They seem to be the only women I'm interested in hiring." He said bluntly as he handed the folders to Nina.

"Yes, sir, right away." She nodded her head and headed back to her office. Nina was a beautiful woman. She had golden hair, fierce green eyes, and slim yet sexy body. It was one of the reasons why Mason hired her as his secretary. Not only was she smokin' hot, but she was also intelligent and punctual. She worked professionally and diligently. She never complained about any of the crazy jobs that Mason asked her to do. She would always say, 'Yes, sir.' No questions, no complains!

Mason stared at the screen of his desktop where the pictures of the three women were plastered on. The first one had blonde hair and blue fierce eyes. The second picture was a woman with auburn hair and hazel green eyes. And the last was a woman with dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. Among the three, the third one had the most innocent look and the simplest girl. She had this natural beauty which caught Mason's eyes. Now all he'd got to do was interview the women and find out who was willing to be his pretend bride.

~ * ~ * ~

"Good morning, mom." Kelsey greeted kissing her mother on the cheek. Hilda was sitting at her usual spot in the dinning room reading the paper with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Morning, sweetheart." She replied setting the paper aside. "I'll be visiting Kyle after work, so make sure you come home early to cook and look after Ace."

"Yes, mom. I'm just going for a job hunt anyway." She informed her as she poured some coffee in a mug.

"Still no luck, huh?"

"Not quite, but don't worry. I'm sure I'll find one soon." She assured her with a smile.

"Just don't tire yourself out." Hilda reminded.

"I won't. Stop worrying about me, mom. For now, your only concerns are Kyle and Ace. I'm a grown up lady, I can take care of myself better than my brothers."

"I raised you so well." She said proudly with a grin playing across her lips.

"You did great, mom. And I'm sure that you'll raise my brothers even better."

"I sure hope so."

Suddenly, a phone ringing echoed through the hall. "Must be Margie." She muttered. Kelsey knew it was hers and she finished making her coffee and quickly went to her room.

She stared at the screen and it was a private number. It didn't even let the number flashed on the screen. After the fourth ring, she finally answered it.


"Good morning, is this Kelsey Parker?" A tiny voice on the other line asked.

"Yes, it's me. Who am I speaking to?"

"I'm Nina Carlos, receptionist and secretary of Mason King from King Corporations." She introduced causing Kelsey's eyes to widened. "I just want to inform you that Mr. King would like to get an interview with you today at 2 pm sharp. Are you available, Ms. Parker?"

Kelsey stood motionless on her spot. She was completely astonished to hear the news. She didn't even expect that King Corporations would actually call her in. She wasn't even qualified for the position and she had no past experience of being an assistant. It must have been a miracle that she was offered an interview.

"Hello? Are you still there, Ms. Parker?" Nina questioned, snapping Kelsey out of her trance. She must have zoned out. She hated it when she did it. It was like her brain was taken away to another dimension while her body was in another. Totally made her look crazy.

"Yes, yes, I'm still here." She answered, shaking her head in annoyance of thinking about zoning out. "And yes, it would be my pleasure to come down for an interview. I'll be there at exactly 2 pm sharp."

"Great, see you in a bit." She said as she hanged up the phone.

Kelsey stared at her phone for another good minute and a grin slowly travelled its way to her face. Suddenly, she let out an excited squeal and headed to the kitchen, where her mother was regarding her crazily.

"What's going on?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Mom, I've got an interview!" Kelsey announced ecstatically. "You don't have to worry about anything as long as I do good today at 2."

"That's wonderful news, sweetheart." She smiled hugging her daughter as a congratulation gift. "I'm sure you'll get hired with your diligence and being hard working."

"I really hope so, mom. I mean, it's not everyday that I get an interview at King Corporations." She declared proudly.

"King Corporations?" Her mother questioned in astonishment and Kelsey nodded in response. "Wow, maybe today is really your lucky day."

King Corporations was one of the most known and successful company around the globe. It was popular internationally and everyone knew that if you were working for them, you must be very bold. You see, it was a struggle to get a job at the company. You had go through a lot of processes and they had to do background checks and all those whatnots before they hire you. This was to determine whether you really were a loyal and honest person and wouldn't betray them. It was a lot of process but once you get hired, it was all worth it. It wasn't everyday you earn a worth of a whole month paycheque in a day. Yup, you could say that the Kings were filthy rich.

"I really hope so, mom, I really hope so." Kelsey prayed as she tried to play in her head what might happen at the interview.

~ * ~ * ~

When the clock strike 2 o'clock, Kelsey was already waiting in the waiting room to be called for her interview. The place was massively huge. The building was a skyscraper with lots of reporters buzzing outside the place. Kelsey wasn't surprised to see the media trying to snoop on their business. They would always try to find a loophole to destroy King Corporations or simply try to snoop on Mason King's private life, the owner and the CEO of the company.

Kelsey was patiently waiting on the seat and something strike to her. She seemed to noticed that she was the only one in the room. Wasn't there supposed to be many people getting interviewed? But then again, everyone in the company were strict so maybe they only chose some people to be interviewed.

Suddenly, Kelsey's thought was interrupted by Nina's voice. "You're up." She said warmly guiding her to his office. "Good luck, Kelsey. I really hope you get the job." She said genuinely as Kelsey smiled greatly at her. She thought that Nina wasn't only gorgeous on the outside, but in the inside as well.

"Thank you." She said taking one last breath before Nina opened the door.

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