Chapter 43 - The End of Their Beginning

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Chapter 43 - The End of Their Beginning

Kelsey took another deep breath before gently knocking on the door. She heard a response from the other side telling her come in and she warily opened the door and entered. She anxiously stared at the man, waiting as he packed the load of documents on his desk. His round-framed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his hair was tousled back. Kelsey couldn't help but think that he and Mason had many similarities, it was quite creepy.

"You wanted to have a chat with me?" She asked him as he put the last file of documents on the side of his table. He took off his glasses and gestured his arm towards the lounge inside his office in the middle of the room.

"Have a seat." He ordered as she settled herself on the black leather sofa. He stood from his chair and sat on the couch opposite Kelsey's.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. King?" She anxiously asked him. She would be considered a liar if she had said she wasn't feeling intimidated by him. She was far from being intimidated, she was so nervous to the point that she might pee her pants. She didn't really leave such a good impression on him when they had dinner together. She knew that he was onto to them. Kelsey just wished that he didn't know anything.

"I know my son, Ms. Parker." His husky, big voice said dangerously. "And I know what type of a man he is." He told her.

Kelsey's brows furrowed confusion, not exactly catching up with the point he was trying to make. "I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what you want me to say..." She trailed off as a small smirk made its way on Edward's lips.

"I know for a fact that you're not my son's type for a girl." He added, shutting Kelsey up.

'Oh he is totally onto something...' Kelsey thought warily, biting the corner of her lip absentmindedly.

"I'll give you a chance, Ms. Parker. I'll give you a chance to tell me the whole truth, and maybe, just maybe, I'll reconsider your relationship with my son." He threatened as he shot her a warning look. Kelsey's breath got hitched by the lump that had formed in her throat and she couldn't seem to move. She was certain that he already knew everything, she knew that he wasn't bluffing.

Kelsey bowed her head in remorse and loudly gulped. "I-I..." She started but her voice sounded hoarse and gruff. "I was hired by Mason to pose as his bride." She had finally managed to say after trying it out multiple times.

Edward didn't say anything and Kelsey knew that he wanted her to say more, to explain every single detail to him. "We signed a contract stating that we are to wed this coming month and stay married for a whole year. He said that it's the only choice he had or he will lose the company." She honestly reported to him.

"For what price, Ms. Parker?" He asked as Kelsey looked up, surprised by his question.

"For a million dollars." She replied in embarrassment.

"And what's your excuse for accepting his disgusting offer?"

Kelsey felt ashamed more and more as he asked her all of these questions. It made her hate herself for steeping so low to the point that she was practically selling her body and soul to a man in exchange of money. She was disgusting, revolting, and a disgrace to her family.

"I'm doing this for my family, Sir. I'm doing everything for the sake of my family." She honestly told him, swallowing the rest of the pride she had left. She could feel the tears brimming in her eyes and she fought really hard trying to held them back.

"Aren't we all working hard for our family, Ms. Parker?" Edward questioned with a raise brow. "Everything that we're doing is all for the sake of our family. Because we want to make sure that they are protected and secure." He pointed out. "I love my son, Ms. Parker. And I would hate to see him fall down because of a stupid contract he signed with you. Do you know what's going to happen if the public finds out that you're not really his fiancée?"

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