Chapter 35 - New Deal

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A/N: Happy New Year, my fellow Wattpaders! Have a prosperous and blessed 2017 to y'all!

Happy Reading, my loves! :)
Chapter 35 - New Deal

Kelsey went back to work and served the customers with a smile on her face even though she felt like she was dying inside. She cleaned one of the tables and placed the empty plate and a half-full chocolate milkshake on a tray. She started strolling towards the kitchen when a customer called her. She looked over her shoulder and waited for the impatient woman to speak of her complaints.

"This is not my order." The demanding woman snapped as she glared at Kelsey. Kelsey couldn't even find herself to feel angry at the woman. She just felt really tired and all she wanted to do was go home and take a very long bath until she pass out.

Kelsey nodded and replied, "I'm very sorry, ma'am. I'll have a look at it. I apologize for the inconvenience."

Kelsey was about to walk and didn't notice a man standing right in front. But it was too late for her to stop the tray from tipping over as she heard the plate and the glass topple on the floor, causing the rest of the milkshake to spill all over the man's very expensive suit. She was frozen for a moment as she stared at the stain in horror and widened eyes.

"Oh my god!" Bailey, her manager, uttered from the counter, snapping Kelsey from her frozen state. Kelsey knew right at that moment that she was so going to get fired. She couldn't afford to get fired, especially since she wanted to end the contract and pay Mason the rest of the money he had given her.

"I'm sorry, sir." Kelsey apologized as she took a stack of napkin from a table and furiously wiped the stain on the man's suit. Tears started forming in her eyes when the chocolate stain couldn't be expunged from the very expensive-looking suit. "I'll take care of it, sir. I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and-" She babbled but the man took her hand that was wiping the suit and held it gently.

Kelsey finally looked up and was surprised to find a very familiar, beautiful orbs. Mason's face softened as he saw the tears in her eyes. She looked very tired and on the verge of crying that it tore and pierced his heart. They were only staring at each other as if they were reading each others' soul.

"Mr. King, are you okay?" Bailey asked as she studied the stain on his suit and sent a glare at Kelsey. Mason couldn't help but feel annoyed by the woman who was glaring at Kelsey. He wanted to badly poked her eyes and make her regret that she even committed such an act towards his fiancée.

"I'm fine." He coldly answered. "Ms. Parker here and I actually have plans and we have to go. Take care of the mess, will you?" He ordered as he pulled and dragged Kelsey out of the restaurant. The people were looking and whispering to each other as they passed by.

When they where outside, Kelsey tried prying her hand away from his grasped but his hold only tightened. "Mason, let me go. I need to go back to work." She said as she remembered how her manager glared at her. She knew she was going to get a bad review and possibly get fired. "Mason, please. Let me go!" She demanded.

Mason unlocked his car and opened the passenger door. "Get in." He commanded, holding the door opened for her.


"Get in, Kelsey. Before I make you." He said with a warning tone in his voice. Not wanting to enraged him and cause the monster to come out, she got in and he shut the door closed as he walked around to get on the driver's seat.

He ignited the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "You should've let me stay at work. Unlike you, I have a family to feed." She said without sparing him a glance.

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