Chapter 36 - Teasing

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A/N: I was going to update earlier but I ran into a writer's block. Super hate it, to be honest. I just wanna make sure the story goes the way I want it to go and of course, how you guys want it to end...

Anyway, enough about that... Happy Reading :)
Chapter 36 - Teasing

The next day, Bailey, Kelsey's manager, apologized repeatedly after finding out that Kelsey was Mason's fiancée. Although Kelsey have told her many times that everything was fine, Bailey watched herself around her and felt completely uncomfortable around Kelsey's presence. Kelsey felt bad and she really hated the fact that everyone in the staff was uncomfortable working around her as if they were walking around a fragile eggshell.

After work, she decided to apply for another job and started handing out her resumé to a few restaurants and cafés nearby. She found herself lucky when a small café, at least five blocks away from La Mille, said that they really needed a cashier. She got even happier when the manager said that she could start the next day.

She got home with a smile on her face. She was glad that she was hired and she could start working to earn the money she needed to pay Mason with.

"Where have you been?" A husky voice asked right when the front door shut closed. Kelsey looked at her watch and saw that it was only five-thirty in the afternoon. Mason was still in his suit with his arms crossed around his chest. He was leaning against the wall and he looked so good with his tousled hair. Kelsey hated herself at the moment for thinking such a thing.

"Why are you home so early?" She stated as she strolled towards the couch and placed her bag on it.

"I asked you first." Mason smartly retorted as he watched her every move.

Kelsey shot him an annoyed look and rolled her eyes at him. "You're so immature." She muttered under her breath.

"Says the girl who just rolled her eyes at me." He argued back. "Now answer me, where have you been? You should have been home thirty minutes ago."

"Out." She simply answered while shrugging her shoulders to act like it wasn't even that big of a deal.

"That's it?" He pressed on and Kelsey got more irritated by him.

"What do you want me to say, Mason?" She sighed in annoyance.

"That you handed your resumé out and got hired at Sweet&Dream café as a cashier." Kelsey's head snapped at his direction so quickly that she felt like she got a whiplash.

"How did you..." She thought but it suddenly clicked in her head. "Enrique." She muttered her driver's name with disgust.

"He's my employee, I pay him. Therefore, he stays loyal to me."

"Noted. Tomorrow tell him to drive you instead of spying on me. You're not going to win, Mason!" She snapped as she made her way to the kitchen. Mason followed after her and smiled as he stared at her annoyed face. She looked really cute, he thought.

"You do know I'm friends with the owner of Sweet&Dream café, right? I can easily tell him to-"

"Don't you dare get me fired, Mason!" She outrageously cut him off as she sent daggers in his direction though her fierce-looking eyes. Her good mood had suddenly become sullen because of the infuriating man in front of her. "That's cheating!" She added.

"I don't think we've set any rules." He shrugged his shoulders as he strolled towards her. "Besides, I told you." He started as he leaned down and placed his lips near her ears. She could smell his manly yet amazing fragrance. The butterflies were roaming around her stomach again and her breath seemed to have been hitched on the back of her throat. "I never lose." Mason finished as he pulled back and stole the can of juice in her hand and popped it open.

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