[14] brown

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"So is he muscular?"

"Shut up Jimin," Taehyung hid himself behind his arms, taking a peek over at the boy he'd so carelessly ran into. he regretted telling his nosy and obnoxious best friend, as the man now wouldn't leave him alone.

"No but seriously. Like he looks really weak, though that could just be his oversized sweater that he wears." Taehyung dug his palms into his eyes, trying to avoid staring. He was afraid to admit how flustered he was by the physical contact between the two, it was freaking him out. "Maybe he's one of those hidden glories. Like, they hide all of their defined body features and go through major puberty. Then by the time they get to senior years, they are the newest lee hongbin." Taehyung swatted Jimin playfully over the head with his textbook, which had a minimum of 400 pages.

"What part of shut up do you not understand."

"The part where it means I have to shut up," Jimin snapped back cheekily as he rubbed his head, glancing up at their music teacher who had just entered. She was quite young for a teacher, every one in the school found her highly attractive. Jimin wasn't even afraid to admit he found her eye catching.

"Afternoon class. Now, I understand you all have final exams on the way. but I wanted to give you a class in which you don't have to stress too much about all the essay writing and textbook questions. So I've placed in an offer to create a group exam that's far more interesting than sitting at a desk for two hours." A cheer built up from the back of the room, ending in the whole class cheering as their teacher smiled evidently. "You'll be working in groups of four and will have to create a song that consists of certain themes, skills and instruments. this will build up team work and communication, as you will need to be working on this through your weekends and holidays." Taehyung's smild vanished, once happy to hear he didn't have to study for hours, now completely dejected as the task was now physically possible.

He grabbed his bag, stuffing everything he owned back in it hastily, not bothering to listen as the groups were called out.

"Group number three: Moon Jongup, Jeon Jungkook-"

Taehyung paused for a second, listening to who would be in the curious boy's group.

„Choi Junhong and Kim Taehyung." Why oh why did it have to be him? He stood up abruptly, slinging his bag over his shoulder and brushing his fringe down. He made his way to the door, all eyes on him.

"Mr Kim, where are you going?" He didn't reply, the only sound that echoed through out the room was a loud bang from the door aa it slammed shut, leaving everyone in silence.


"Please let me. I just... you know how much this means to me..." There was a long pause of silence, the two sitting outside the locked cubicle, glancing with worried frowns towards each other. "Why?! Why am I not allowed?!" Jungkook flinched at the rather loud and desperate yell, retreating back from the door as he twisted his hands into his sweater.

"I'm going to go..." he whispered quietly. not feeling comfortable invading someone else's private life. Though the outcome of leaving was quite mortifying, he'd rather be embarrassed than someone else losing privacy because of him. But before he could continue his departure, he was pulled back by the collar, a small squeak coming from his mouth.

"Why the hell are you two here?" Taehyung snarled out upon hearing the murmurs of the two sitting outside the bathroom cubicle. Phone call ended. Jungkook's face went deathly pale as he sat frozen listening to the shuffling from the small enclosed area, then the door slowly creaked open and Taehyung peeked out from behind it. The ends of his hair were damp, his eyes glassy and teary.

"I wanted to comfort you," Jimin explained, grabbing his best friend's arm and pulling him out from the hiding place he had chosen. He turned to the younger boy who was standing in complete silence, taking an interest in his feet.

"And why are you here?" Taehyung added, his voice gentle and calm. Yhe question seemed to be out of curiosity rather than annoyance, but it still made Jungkook nervous. After the threat from earlier, he intimidated.

"I... you looked upset. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Also, I threatened him," Jimin added casually, Taehyung's eyes widening in the process.

"Threatened him?! jimin what the hell!" Taehyung pulled away from his friend, turning to Jungkook and giving him a concerned look, his eyes flickered from a navy blue, to a rich brown. Jungkook would've mistaken the colour for his contacts if he hadn't seen the first colour so clearly.

"Taehyung, do you know what the colour brown means?" He asked curiously. stepping back as Taehyung moved forward.

"Oh! I know, brown means care and like i guess, empathy." Jimin perked up, grinning widely. Taehyung nodded slightly, reaching into the cubicle and bringing out his backpack, stuffing a rainbow cased phone into his bag, the phone looked like it had been sweating, but jungkook took a more logical guess and went with tears instead.

"Are you mad because you have to work with me? Be... because if you don't want to, I can request to swap with Jimin." Taehyung had never been so quick to reply,

"Not at all Jungkook. You aren't swapping with anyone. I'm happy to be working with you. I just... have some personal issues that need to be dealt with before I can do that." Jungkook nodded, glancing at Jimin - who was smiling like an idiot.

"Can I go now?" Jimin nodded, gesturing to the door.

"Yes don't worry, I wasn't actually going to-"

"Don't say it!" Jungkook shrieked, shoving his hand over the menace's mouth as he cackled. Taehyung furrowed his brow, trying to figure out what had happened between the two in the short period of time he had spent sulking in the bathroom.

"It was a joke I swear! Alright... get out of here kid." Jungkook pulled a face at the label, gripping hus bag tight as he gave a quick bow to Taehyung before darting out of the room in a hurry.

"What on hell's earth did you say to him?" Jimin shrugged, grabbing his friend's bag from his hands and slipping it onto his own shoulders.

"I said if he didn't come with me I'd tell his maths class he got a boner from staring at himself in the mirror." Taehyung wanted to beat up his best friend oh so badly, but he held himself back, deciding on a heartfelt glare instead.

"You are a humanised demon Jimin, I swear."

"I take that as a compliment."

"Only you would."


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