[31] thunder

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warning: this chapter contains physical violence and abuse, if you are uncomfortable with this, please do not read, i would hate for you to feel discomforted by the scenes written.

Did he feel guilt?

Did he feel shame?

Staring down at the broken remains of his phone, he wondered why his heart was hurting so despondently. But he didn't have long to sit in that sickness before he was torn to his feet and smashed to the wall. The impact of plaster against his back winded him as his throat came close to collapsing and his spine audibly cracked.

"It's you isn't it!" His father screamed, fingers still clawing into his hair as Taehyung hunched over, trying to keep up with the act of breathing. He managed to utter an almost silent,


"You know what I'm fucking talking about! Don't act like a fool!" His father wasn't drunk, now that was a first. Taehyung stared up at him through a wary gaze, supporting his back as he tried to straighten it. Finding success, he also felt an immense amount of pain.

"No you asshole I don't, so care to fill me in?" He kept calm, even if he could barely move. He knew the pain was just beginning.

"The weather. What have you done to it?!" Taehyung's eyes narrowed as he spat blood from his mouth onto the carpet.

"You're accusing me for the weather? God you've stooped low..." his father stepped forward, his own body freezing up. The two were only a metre apart within arms reach. If he made one wrong move he'd be dead.

"You're imprisoning me! Every time I try to leave this house, I am forced back on the ground by the bloody wind! Your devilish curse is holding me hostage!" Taehyung smirked bitterly. He had picked up on the weather change that seemed to suffocate him in a 50 metre radius, but he hadn't bothered connecting it to his own freakish abilities.

"So what if I am? Guess it serves as a bit of karma. Finally getting what you deserve father, imprisonment." He spat the title of his parent with malice seething his voice. He wanted to make it clear how much he loathed him.

That was his wrong move.

Before he could even process an inch of movement, he was pinned to the floor by smooth and clean hands that wrapped tightly around his neck. This time, he couldn't breathe at all, the fingers curling over his airways as he gasped out in desperation, eyes rolling up as he writhed under the firm grip.

But he didnt fight it. Be simply laid there, staring up at his father who stared back at him with a deep look of pure hatred.

"I am not your father, you monster! No one would ever want to own you. You belong in hell, not here. Shut up so I can send you there!" Taehyung felt that rage inside him snap. The same feeling he'd felt days ago when he'd lashed out on the very person now trying to choke him out.

There was a rush of adrenaline and anger that flooded his veins with merciless violence. Suddenly the concept of death and boundaries draining from his once logical mind. Replaced with a pure need for injury. Throwing his head back, he let out a scream that pierced through the room, kicking upwards to send his father toppling backwards.

"I am not a monster!" He bellowed as his fingers dove for a pair of scissors from his desk. With am unnatural ease he ripped them clean in half and made his way slowly towards the man still stunned on the ground. His only target. "I am not the monster in this room. You are the monster. Ever since i was born you've been a monster! You cast me away! Treat me like I'm an animal just waiting to slaughter me! That's what you want huh?! You want to kill me?!" As he paused to let himself breathe, he could hear thunder. Thick and dark clouds began to cast shadows over the only light in the room. leaving it gloomy and grey. "It's not my fucking fault you created a freak like me! Why didn't you get rid of me if you hated me so much?!"

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