[5] nerve

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Jungkook was easily impressed, even the smallest of things could bring the boy to thriving happiness. He found beauty and appreciation in the smallest of things; like the way fire danced, the butterflies flew, the way snow would fall so gracefully... anything in relation to nature was beautiful to him. All things natural were his aesthetic.

Though, through all of this, through all of his heartfelt love for the beautiful scenery that was just outside his window, he kept himself inside the walls of his large and rather elegant house. His garden, that his brother and him had built together, long been visited. When his brother and he both transferred to Maecheon High School, everything had gotten harder. All of the younger boy's friends stopped seeing him, they hardly even gave the time and effort to converse with him over phone. He knew they never really cared about anyone, other than themselves, them being a big part of the reason why his parents transferred him.

Ever since Jungkook moved, he'd been put in classes that were way too easy for him. Everyone treated him like a child because he was new, like they'd never met another teenager before. This infuriated the boy slightly, but Jungkook refused to let such insignificant thing anger him. It would only lead to his, or some other innocent peers downfall.

It was only in the recent days that things started to change for the young boy, as he was transferred to a class a year above him. Now being mixed with a few other middle schoolers and the rest a year or two older, he did feel like a child. He had to admit, the work was definitely more complex and he had to put more effort into all of his work, but in all honesty, he didn't mind one bit. He was even happy because of this, as it was his hobby.

Jungkook took up the title of the schools study aficionado in his first year of middle school, as he was always found reading textbooks or finishing assignments. Of course, it didn't bother him, as he took great pride in his work and made sure to put in maximum effort at all times. He felt like he earned the inscription and took it upon himself as his status in school.

The study freak

One downside to his status was his pride. He believed that he would only ever remain a student, as it was all he ever had been. The status was thrown in his face so often, that he couldn't help but only be that himself.

"You're a great student, Jungkook!"


"Never give up on your studies, Mr. Jeon."

So the studious boy did just that, by locking himself away and studying, every day, every night, only eating meals if his brother insisted. His status had grown on him so much, that it had become his life, and there was no way he was planning on changing it anytime soon.

Half of the class was dead, probably asleep or daydreaming, the other half bored as hell and not concentrating on what the professor was saying at all. Minus Jeon Jungkook. He sat with his foot resting on the chair in front of him, the person taking up its spot not even noticing, as he was obviously hungover. Jungkook never drank alcohol, for many reasons, so he had no trouble at concentrating on the somewhat intriguing solutions and formulas his teacher was so drolly about.

"Are any of you actually listening?" The teacher finally lost it. He slammed his cane down onto the wooden desk below, causing a loud sound to resonate throughout the classroom, kids heads jolting up, raised in alarm. "How many of you here want to learn Mathematics?" Jungkook looked around, seeing absolutely no hands raised. He saw a few bored expressions but no movement. He turned back around correctly and shuddered to himself, slowly he rose his hand. "Ah yes, Jungkook. Can you please explain to these imbecilic dullards here, what the importance of Mathematics is?"

"Mathematics expresses values that reflect the whole universe, sir. It includes orderliness, balance, harmony, logic, and even abstract beauty. It's significant to us in so many ways as it is one of the basic forms of any equation. Without it, we'd have no way to calculate time, age, or anything really..." The boy stopped talking, heads turned to his direction, his cheeks burning as he lowered his gaze, staring at his full page of notes.

"Thank you, Jungkook. At least someone has the heart and brain to listen and learn." The younger only nodded, biting his lip as one unsettling stare caught his attention.

"You're all dismissed. Tomorrow better be a more productive lesson, or detention might consist of this whole class." Jungkook was the first to leave, dashing out of the class before anyone could get a word in about him. He liked speaking to people, it made him feel wanted, but he hated when people would speak about him, especially if it was only negative.

The boy sat outside the desired classroom, busy skimming through his notes as he waited. Class was already dismissed but Jungkook still insisted with himself, as he had to stay and wait for someone else, who is very dear to him, to come out of class. Waiting patiently, he sat there humming to the silence around him, hoping his effort would drown it out. He looked up as the soft familiar click of the classroom door echoed throughout the closed off and empty hallway. Sharp footsteps becoming evident, Jungkook marked his page with a piece of ribbon, that he had attached to his notebook, closing the cover gently, later placing it down beside him. Jumping to his feet, he run up to the elder, that was now walking in the opposite direction.

"Mr Kim, sir!" The boy exclaimed, ending in him almost crashing into his favourite teacher.

"Ah, Jungkook. I had a feeling you'd be here." The younger boy smiled sheepishly, dragging his foot on the ground as he made an effort to hide his clear excitement. "How was class today? Better than yesterday?" Jungkook pondered the question, unsure of if he knew how to answer.

"It was the same really..." Mr Kim frowned upon hearing the answer. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he lowered himself slightly, so that he was at the boys level.

"You need to stop worrying what others think about you, little Kookie." The little name that the teacher insisted on calling him left an obvious blush on the flustered boys face. "You are a very intelligent person, anyone would have to be brain dead not to notice. What I'm trying to say is, stop worrying if you answer too many questions, or if you get begrudging stares. That's all they are, they're jealous of your your skills and you. They'll understand when they get into their final years, that it's not fun, happy times that get you through life, it's knowledge, and you Jungkook, that is something you have a lot of." Jungkook smiled at his friends kind and wise words.

"Thank you, Mr Kim."

"How many times must I say this? Call me Jin, it's far less formal.'' Jungkook nodded, the name playing over and over in his mind.

"Okay Jin."

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