chapter 15 - jealousy

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We walked down the ever so silent hallways towards my room. Click, clack, click, clack was the only sound made. Once we arrived I opened the oak door to reveal my large bedroom. Mina stared in awe. "Wow I never expected your room to be this big since this is a dorm right?" I nodded and continued to walk in. "Though on second thought the rooms back at the dispatch is bigger though." I nodded and sat on my bed while she say on one of the couch. "Even then it was a little to big for me, hahaha," I laughed. She laughed along and smiled. "Now I must retire to my chambers also known as my bed, and sleep,since I have classes still," I said and laid on my bed as I drifted to sleep. Mina smiled and tucked me in and kissed my head. She acts like my mother and an older sister.

(Time skip)
I woke up and yawned. Mina laid on the couch asleep as the other talked. I smiled and walked over to her. I tapped her and she jerked awake. She rubbed her eyes and smiled sheepishly. I then walked to the bathroom to refresh myself. I threw in my uniform and went out. Everyone was dressed and I picked up my books and ect...
I walked out with mina beside me and everyone else behind me. Since I am apart of the assinastion company too we have our ranks. My name is Cheshire and I am a pet of a captain. I am lieutenant but lower then the captain so yeah. There is a team called 'The Pets' I am the leader. This group is one of the strongest group in the company so when there is a serious mission they would send us as a group to solve it. Mina is bunny, she is my equal but I am still of a higher rank. She and I are close friends.

As I got to the front yard everyone looked at me. "Sister who are those people?" Ciel asked with curiosity. "Dear brother this is mina, celestial and Luna, they are close friends of mine," I grinned and kissed him on the cheek.

Author POV
While countess was talking to Ciel, Kaname stared in jealously. He was jealous of ciel and the affection that countess gave off. He had never received this kind of affection when they were younger. If only he didn't, no him family didn't treat her like an outsider then he wouldn't have to feel this emotion. "Countess come, stand by me," kaname said. Countess mentally sighed in annoyence, but played of a convincing smile that didn't fool ciel. "Oh course!" She chirped and skipped over.

She stood by him making him feel happy. She received a glare from ruka. The screaming fans of all kind could be heard from the other side of the gate. "Kyaa!" They screamed as the dorm doors opened, revealing the night class. (Ciel is in the night class...yep cause of Sebastian). Yuki was pushed by the day class students as she tried to hold them back. Kaname rushed over too help her up, countess on the other hand just walked past without a care in the world. Kaname then stood up and smiled at yuki. She blushed and said a small thank you before they departed. He join the rest off the night class to there destination.

Countess POV
While kaname was busy talking to yuki I slipped back and stood by my brother, Ciel. He smiled at me and we walked hand in hand. Upon walking to class I tripped and fell back. Ciel catched me  in the before I could hit the ground. Likely no one saw except ciel, Mina, Luna, celestial, Z , Ron and I. They rushed up too me and questioned of I was okay. I nodded and smiled at them.

A/n okay okay I kniw I know I haven't been updating very much but thus is because I am busy with school so I don't have time. I will try to though so wait! Okay!

Stay safe and stay happy!!!

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